April 03, 2011

Tattoos of astrological signs and their meanings

Astrology and its practice of interpreting the cosmic signs on the map of the sky to define profiles of characters, attitudes, behaviours, and acts through thehoroscope, based on the date of birth are always anchored in traditional culture. They are a very common set of reasons of tattoos : tattoos of astrological signs. Based on the principle that the Sun and the planets follow a trajectory in the sky gradually through several constellations, or ensembles of stars, and that these trajectories enable astrologers to predict the future of the natives of the sign representing these constellationshoroscope and astrology are part of as occult or superficial commonly considered science by the general public. Yet, it is still more common that even skeptics ofAstrology use references related to it to define the character of someone. Les tatouages et l'astrologie Tattoos and astrology,the twelve signs of the zodiac are the following, in order: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Lion, Virgin, Balance, Scorpion, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and fish. This distribution in 12 signs of the zodiac, which dates from the fifth century before Christ, caractérologiques profiles and trends based on the position of the stars in the sky during a given periodto tattoo his zodiac sign implies, therefore, a good knowledge of its major traits of characters and its acceptance of their correspondence with its own character and its aspirations. Select a pattern of tattooing of the zodiac sign must then comes to choose the ground search will represent the best traits of character that you wish to put forwardthe astrological signs are related to the 4 elements of nature (land for bulls)(, Blank and serow, air Gemini, scales and Verseaux, water for Cancers, Scorpions and fish, and finally fire for the Rams, Lions, and arrowhead), the seasons, the planets, the metals and precious stones, colors, as well as major directions of characters and attitudes depending on other factorsthe decanof theascendantof the hour of birth, astraux signs of parents. The broad guidelines of characters are often recognizable for the natives of a same sign. The 12 astrological zodiac signs are space benchmarks related to the presence of the Sun in the constellation of the name corresponding to the sign of the newborn, and temporal corresponding to the dates of the year:RAM, from 21 March to 21 April: signs of springBull, from April 21 to May 21:Gemini, a sign of spring from May 21 to June 21: signs of spring - summerCancer, June 21-23 July: sign of summerLion, on 23 July-23 August: sign of summerVirgin, from 23 August to 23 September : sign of summer - fallBalance, from September 23 to October 23: sign of autumnScorpion, from October 23 to November 22: sign of autumnSagittarius, from November 22 to December 21: sign of autumn - winterCapricorn, of 21 December and 20 January: sign of winterAquarius, January 20 to February 19: sign of winterfish, of 19 February to 21 March: sign of winter - springsymbols used for the different signs of the zodiac are often perfect reasons for tattooing of astrological signs. Because of unknown origin, related both to Alchemy, the shape take the stars in the constellations that represent it, or to more cultural origins, they are sometimes difficult to recognizable when taken part. The astrologers and horoscopes prefer them often representations more talking and less esoteric, that allow readers to better identify the corresponding sign. Whether or not with your astral sign, opt for the traditional symbol will be an act of choice to suggest more or less in the eyes of others your membership to a zodiac signhere different symbols of the signs of the zodiactheir symbolic for a tattoo, the different ways of representing your horoscope for a tattoo sign visually more effective membership, or for a woman or a man, as well as the major traits of commonly accepted characters as defining the natives of each signeTatouage of RAMsymbolic and models of tattoos for the sign of the bélierTatouage of Bull, symbolic and tattoos for the sign of the Gemini taureauTatouage models, models of tattoos for the sign of the gémeauxTatouage of cancer and symbolic, symbolic and models of tattoos for the sign of the lion cancerTatouagesymbolic and tattoos for the sign of the lionTatouage of Virgin, symbolic and tattoos for the sign of the viergeTatouage of scale models, symbolic and tattoos for the sign of the scorpion balanceTatouage models, models of tattoos for the sign of the scorpionTatouage of Sagittarius and symbolic modelssymbolic and models of tattoos for the sign of the sagittaireTatouage of Capricorn, symbolic and tattoos for the sign of the capricorneTatouage of Aquarius models, models of tattoos for the sign of the verseauTatouage of fish and symbolic, symbolic and models for the sign of the fish tattoos

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