April 03, 2011

Tattoo on the hip, models of tattoos for hips

Tatouage sur la hanche d'un cerisier japonais en fleursTattoo on the hip of a Japanese cherry tree in bloom

The tattoo on the hip is a tattoo that allows many variations, at the level of the Visual as to the meaning. Hip is a part of the wide body that calls on the ground of large impact visually impressive. The hip is a place of the body that allows widespread and original reasons tattooing. Different location for a tattoo are accessible on the hip, rather at the bottom in the hollow of the kidneysin the front and the belly or the top and the ratings. If the lower back or legs are parts of the body very often tattooed, the tattoo on the hip is less commonly chosen and has a very erotic connotation , and secret. The area of the hip and ratings is rather peculiar painful tattoo, the skin is very thin in places. The extended surface is ideal for ink reasons of large size, or style , very open and coiled, with tattoos back along the body, sometimes in enrolling on the leg below the chest or the scapular. The tattoo on the hip is more and more popular, especially for women, who are always more likely to choose the delicacy and side sexy tattoos on the hip.

The difficulty of finding a ground of original tattoo on the hip is a style of tattooing still original and confidential : as for the back or the chest, the tattoo on the hip requires a lot of research on the model of tattooing. Easy to hide in the most cases, including at the professional level, the ground remains very visible in swimsuits for example: for a woman, bikinis pants low the suggest therefore regularly discovered, at least partially. The tattoo on the hip must therefore often be sexy and attractive, be done in a style airy and open, to keep a Visual efficiency even whena part is only visible. The tattoo on the hip is often an appeal, a tattoo that we see in its entirety before the nudity of the body

Tattooed (e) s chose the tattoo on the hip describe regularly as a rather painful, especially in the sensitive areas are the side of the body and thegroin. The low thickness of the skin the few bones on this zone make relatively painful bite of needles. It is therefore addressed rather to people less sensitive to the pain of tattoos, especially as the surface to cover and often large, and the important numbers of hours and sessions .

The hip and the hollow of the kidneys are a part of the body very often bounded by the wearing of trousers, skirts and belts, an area particularly not practical to protect in the phase of wound healing after a tattoo. In addition, the low thickness of skin on the side, notably on the love handles, are hip a painful location during and after the tattoo, burning for example being more intense than on some less sensitive areas as the shoulder. The sensation of pain from the tattoo on the hip can move closer to that of theInterior of the biceps, near the armpits. The tattoo on hip ages in contrast rather better than the average of the other parts of the body, being rarely exposed to sunlight and multiple scars that can come damaging a tattoo on arm or calf for example. More clothing, with the exception of the area of the belt, are in general somewhat more at this location, and low friction. Of course, the traits of a tattoo is épateront always with time, with a spread of ink and a distortion of the skin, but the hip is a much less prone to this, with the notable exceptions of the taken important weight which may accompany the aging of the body, and the period of pregnancy for a woman, often harmful to the tattoo. This is why the tattoos on the hips, breasts and belly are particularly discouraged women young wishing to have children later. Prefer to wait a little bit out, or choose an less exposed area, such as the ankle, shoulder, neck or arm. It is best to choose an ground aerated for a tattoo on the hip, especially for a woman. It is possible to obtain very good results with some models of very detailed tattoos, with lots of small niceties, but this area of the body can quickly give shape to a very large tattoo, which will not necessarily aesthetic with worn outfits

The inconveniences of a tattoo on the hip:

Painful on the parts where the skin is more fineProblème of practicality during wound healing at the level of the ceintureA bad for women wishing to pregnancy and persons potentiellemetn affected by problems of poidsPeu suitable for development with most of the vêtementsPas always adapted to certain types of footwear

Benefits of watermarks on the hip:

Place original, especially if it winds its way along the body of the thigh to the côtesSexy for women when it is well réaliséIdéal for large original reasons, end and déliésPour men, perfect for the tattoo of the back to the abdominal

A few pictures of tattoos on the hip and the hollow of the kidneys. The most common reasons for women: flowers and branches, coiled on a stem, clouds of butterflies or shooting stars, snakes, cherry, bamboo, for men: massive tribal tattoo, many tattoos of non-symmetrical animals in their representation, the Tiger wound along the size the snake coiled on the thigh, through the traditional Japanese dragon

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