The AS Roma Philippe mexès central defender, recently inducted pillar of the defence team of France under the era the new era of Laurent Blanc as coach, is a fana tattoo : it has a growing number throughout the body : the neck, arms, back, the mollet… Here are the details of its different parts
The impetuous Roman Defender, born in Toulouse of Portuguese origins, is renowned for its well tempered character who earned him many warnings or even evictions on the ground, due to its famous cable reason. This rebellious character pushed him inking various patterns on the skin:
He has a tattoo of 4 stars in the neck, different and decreasing sizes, inked in a fairly original style: the style graffiti / stencil : the stars are in reality in colourless, therefore non-tattooed, in a light grey ink, which gives this stencil effect rather aestheticon the arm, a tattooing of tribal bracelet everything what it y'a more conventional and commonplace, which is one of his old tatouagesdans back, Philippe mexès has two tattoos: is a tribal down backa stylized V-shape, like a bat. The other is a tribal Polynesian inverted pyramidal shape, rising almost up on the claviculesSon tattoo on the calf is a kind of dragon tribalEnfin, he has an tattoo on front arm, which takes almost all the Interior of the right forearm, and which consists of a tattoo of writing in an original, the first name of her daughter Evapolicy, as well as of its date of birth, the whole surrounded tattoos of flames stylized also in stencil style similar to that of his tattoo of stars on the neckfinallyIt also has a tattoo on the arm in tribute to his son Enzo, born of his union with his wife CarlaThe former Auxerre now being a framework of the France team player, it is likely that many opportunities present to observe the tattoos of Philippe Mexès
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