April 03, 2011

The piercing among women

Le piercing pour femmeThe piercing for woman

The piercing is a practice of body modification widespread among women as compared to the piercing among males. More common than tattoos, especially among girls, there including the advantage of being more ephemeral and to withdraw if necessary. Indeed, many girls can sometimes remove their piercings to go to work, and deliver them to the output.

By habit societal and historical, women are more likely to be Pierce their initiation often very early to this practice by the simple fact of wanting to wear earrings : this schema, often reproduced from generation to generation, leads to a good knowledge of what is piercing : pain low and fast at a location relatively insensitiveto subsequently multiple uses for to beautify, improve the presence and the beauty of his own body by the wearing of jewelry various : earring gold, silver or diamond classic, the single jewelry fantasy, the port of the Earring for women is an extremely common Act. What's more natural, therefore, that of to be piercer ears at several points in order to further develop this attribute of seduction ?

By extension, women often go to the act very young to the piercing is. Often parents have agreed to accompany their daughters as early as 16 years in the pierceur, to a certain extent, it must be said, because "at least it is is not a tattoo" (even though it does often lasts only one time). The single for a female piercing is very commonly accepted in society, at least with respect to the ears. It is also more tolerated on the rest of the face provided they remain unobtrusive and that he should have no "too much" (the concept too has been widening over the years, it remains vague and rather aléatoire…)

The most popularfemale piercing is probably the navel piercing, which is a little painful, very sexy and is perfectly tolerant with the bikini on the beach as well as with the small summer tops. Then came the piercings in the languagein different parts of the ears, and on the nose and lips. More rare and more extreme, the nipple piercings or genital piercings are usually reserved for the initiated already many times having succumbed to the charms needles.

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