April 03, 2011

Directory of tattooing in Brest, Finistère (29), Brittany

Tattooing in Brest. All the chat tattoos or piercing on the Brestoise region and the Department of Finistère , in Bretagne. You are tattoo in Brest or in another city of Finistère and Brittany as Brest, Quimper, Concarneau, Morlaix, Douarnenez, Landerneau, Guipavas, Plougastel-Daoulas, Plouzané, Le Relecq-Kerhuon, Landivisiau, Pleyben, boxwood Quimerch, Pont l ' Abbé, Scaer Pont, Saint Pol of Leon, Huelgoat, Morlaix, you want to expose your finest pieces online, be included in our directory of tattoo artists, propose a link exchange? Contact tattoo tattoos

11 Rue of the Deportes
29800 Landerneau
Tel: 06 73 82 94 42

43 Place Charles De Gaulle
29190 Pleyben
Tel.: 02 98 26 67 77

4 Avenue of release
29000 Quimper
Tel.: 02 98 52 05 86

8 Rue Danton
29200 Brest
Tel.: 02 98 46 77 37

7 (B) road Loperec
29590 Boxwood bridge the Quimerch
Tel.: 02 98 73 04 56

45 Rue Bugeaud
29200 Brest
Tel.: 02 98 44 78 72

3 Bis Rue Providence
29000 Quimper
Tel.: 02 98 55 08 07

1 Rue Laennec
29100 Douarnenez
Tel.: 02 90 07 40 13

35 Rue Brest
29800 Landerneau
Tel.: 02 29 62 36 51

7 Vennelle baked bread
29000 Quimper
1: 02 98 53 86 75 Tel.
2: 06 66 37 95 66 Tel.

17 Quai Cornouaile
29800 Landerneau
Tel.: 02 98 85 11 34

15 Rue Chateau
29120 Pont L'abbe
Tel.: 02 98 66 02 26

17 Rue Jean Jaures
29390 Scaer
Tel.: 02 98 59 45 33

216 Rue Jean Jaures
29200 Brest
Tel.: 02 98 44 88 38

44 Rue Traverse angle Rue Pasteur
29200 Brest
Tel.: 02 98 46 18 45

38 Avenue station
29900 Concarneau

19 Rue Cadiou
29250 Saint Pol de Leon
Tel.: 02 98 15 80 92

11 Rue deportees
29800 Landerneau
Tel.: 02 98 30 30 78

128 Rue Jean Jaurès
29200 Brest
Tel.: 02 29 05 81 95

13 Rue Bruat Angle Rue Danton
29200 Brest
Tel.: 02 98 43 39 73

23 Rue Dr Jacq
29690 Huelgoat
1: 06 69 02 61 73 Tel.
2: 06 59 93 88 84 Tel.

29390 Scaer
1: 02 98 59 45 33 Tel.
2: 02 97 86 90 92 Tel.

1 Rue Boussingault
29200 Brest
Tel.: 02 98 80 26 38

29100 Douarnenez
Fax: 06 16 72 71 63

29300 Quimpert
Tel.: 02 98 96 29 11

2 Rue Longue
29600 Morlaix
Tel.: 02 98 63 47 23

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Investigation tattoo: 1 French out of 10 is tattooed

Enquête sondage sur la pratique du tatouage en FranceInvestigation survey on the practice of tattooing in France

An investigation on the tattoo and its practice in France performed on the basis of a poll Ipsos for Sunday West France, on a sample of representative 1,000 people , reveals that 10% of the French population said wear at least a tattoo on the body. Far from being a marginal practice as in his debut in the West, this survey supports constant tattooing democratization, its permanent nature, could only reach a still wider fringe of the population, even if only 6% of the French consider to be tattooed. The tattoo becomes an element of society with its specific codes, as in primitive civilizations. Symbol of a society in decline?

The responses of those polled, it possible to outline a State of the scene of the most popular parts of the body for a tattoo:

The tattoo on the arm is leading with 37 %The upper back and shoulders represent 35% down the back ranks third with 13% followed by the torso and feet with 8% each, without it specified whether the ankle is part of the footlegs are 7%without distinction between thigh or calfneck is 5%, but the neck is it included?Without surprise its at the bottom of the standings with 1% hands, knowing that it is possible that the wrist is included in this décompteAutre body part: 14%: which does not say if the surveyed do not found themselves in some descriptions oriented or if them tattooed use more in addition to the original location (such as the belly)(buttocks, head?)

At the level of age, without surprise 22% of 18-24 years are tattooed, digit decreases as age advances, 13% of the 25 to 34 years and 2% of the pls for 35 years. Evidence if he needed that the democratization of tattooing is only little old generations for which the tattoo still feels the suffering, sex and blood. Well it seems that tattooing is even levelled at the level of social classes, affecting everyone at least partially: workers are most frequently tattooed with 19%, employees and intermediate occupations then arrive with 14%artisans or merchants 13 %

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Tattoo for a first name of girl models

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Choisir le prénom de sa fille est une étape essentielle dans une vie : la vie de l’enfant bien sur, mais également celle des parents. Choisir un modèle de tatouage est une décision qui se doit d’être personnelle, voire égoïste. Mais il existe un moyen de transformer ce choix en acte d’amour en acceptant que d’intégrer la vie de l’autre dans ce processus. Se faire encrer le prénom de sa fille sous la peau est un acte puissant et profond en sens, qui va transcender la pratique du tatouage, en l’ouvrant à l’autre

Pour le tatouage d’un prénom de fille, il est possible d’utiliser de nombreux types d’écritures différents. Les plus communs sont parfois les moins liées à notre propre culture. On utilise ainsi des alphabets exotiques et différents du notre comme les idéogrammes chinois, la calligraphie arabe, les kanjis japonais ou l’écriture tibétaine, le sanskrit

On peut aussi utiliser des polices d’écriture simulant un alphabet exotique mais utilisant les letters que nous utilisons tous les jours. On utilise alors souvent des polices de caractères celtiques, lettres gothiques , ainsi que des langues imaginaires, comme le Tengwar, la langue des elfes de Tolkien.

Les styles d’écritures sont divers et faciles à personnaliser. Pour une femme comme pour un homme, de nombreuses parties du corps peuvent recevoir des tatouages de prénoms de filles comme de garçons.

Les plus appréciés chez les femmes : les poignets, les pieds, la nuque, les épaules, les hanches, le cou, les chevilles, le bas du dos.

Les plus populaires pour un homme : le haut du dos entre les épaules, l’avant-bras, l’épaule, le torse, le coeur, le mollet, la cuisse

Retrouvez les modèles de tatouage des prénoms de fille les plus populaires sur les images ci-dessous. Il s’agit ici d’un exemple, en version tatouage en écriture gothique, basé sur une police de caractère gothique. Retrouvez également une liste très complète de plusieurs milliers de prénoms de fille par ordre alphabétique pour affiner votre choix pour un tatouage de prénom féminin

Choisir un prénom de fille dans notre liste. Prénoms féminins commençant par la lettre :

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

Prénoms de fille commençant par la lettre A
Abby, Abélia, Abélie, Abelina, Abelinda, Abeline, Abélinia, Abella, Abelle, Abellia, Abelone, Aberte, Abia, Abigaël, Abigaëlle, Abigaïl, Abigaïline, Abondance, Abra, Abygaël, Abygaëlle, Acacia, Achraf, Ada, Adalberte, Adama, Adara, Adela, Adelaïda, Adélaïde, Adelberte, Adèle, Adélia, Adelice, Adélice, Adelicia, Adélie, Adelin, Adelina, Adelinda, Adelinde, Adeline, Adéline, Adelise, Adelphia, Adelphie, Adelphine, Adelyne, Adena, Adene, Adenor, Adenora, Aderia, Adiba, Adina, Adira, Adjani, Adjanie, Adolphine, Adonia, Adonya, Adria, Adriana, Adriane, Adrianna, Adrianne, Adrienne, Adriné, Aela, Aelaig, Aelig, Aemilia, Aéna, Aënaelle, Aenor, Afaf, Afflamez, Afra, Agara, Agata, Agate, Agatella, Agatha, Agathe, Agato, Ageda, Aglaé, Aglaia, Aglaïane, Agnès, Agnesa, Agnese, Agnesina, Agneska, Agueto, Agustina, Ahès, Ahez, Aï, Aïcha, Aïda, Aidana, Aigue, Aïko, Aimée, Aimeline, Aimie, Aimy, Ainara, Aines, Ainesa, Ainhoa, Aïs, Aïsha, Aïssa, Aitana, Aki, Akiko, Akila, Alaba, Alaia, Alaina, Alaine, Alaïs, Alaitz, Alana, Alanez, Alanis, Alaoua, Alaoui, Alaouia, Alara, Alba, Albana, Albane, Albanie, Albanna, Albanne, Albannie, Alberie, Albérique, Alberta, Alberte, Albertina, Albertine, Albina, Albine, Albinie, Albira, Alda, Aldegonde, Alderine, Aldona, Aldora, Aléa, Aleandra, Alégria, Aleksandra, Aleonor, Aleonora, Alera, Aléria, Alésia, Alessandra, Alessia, Alessina, Alethia, Alex, Alexa, Alexandra, Alexandréa, Alexandria, Alexandrine, Alexane, Alexanne, Alexe, Alexia, Alexiane, Alexie, Alexina, Alexine, Alexya, Aleyna, Alfrèda, Alfredine, Alia, Alice, Alicia, Alida, Aliénor, Aliette, Alima, Alina, Alinda, Aline, Alis, Alisa, Aliséa, Alisée, Aliseto, Alison, Alisonne, Alissa, Alissen, Alissende, Alissia, Alisson, Alissone, Alix, Alixe, Alixen, Alixia, Aliya, Aliye, Alizé, Alizéa, Alizée, Aljia, Allaoua, Allaoui, Alley, Allgia, Allice, Allie, Allison, Allissia, Allisson, Ally, Allyn, Allyson, Alma, Almarine, Almas, Almeria, Almira, Alodia, Alodie, Aloïse, Alouia, Aloyse, Alpha, Alphonsine, Althéa, Alva, Alvana, Alvanna, Alvia, Alvina, Alvine, Alvira, Alwena, Alya, Alycia, Alys, Alyséa, Alysée, Alyson, Alysone, Alyssa, Alyssia, Alysson, Alyzée, Ama, Amabyllis, Amadéa, Amadia, Amaëlle, Amaia, Amal, Amale, Amalia, Amalie, Amama, Amanda, Amandaline, Amande, Amandine, Amandyne, Amane, Amani, Amany, Amanza, Amara, Amaranda, Amarande, Amarante, Amaria, Amaris, Amarita, Amaryllis, Amaya, Amber, Ambra, Ambre, Ambrine, Ambroisine, Ambrosia, Amédée, Amel, Amele, Ameli, Amélia, Amélie, Amelina, Ameline, Amelle, Amellia, Amely, Amelya, Amiliana, Amina, Aminata, Amine, Amira, Amy, Ana, Anabel, Anabela, Anabella, Anabelle, Anadela, Anaé, Anaël, Anaële, Anaëlle, Anahide, Anahita, Anaïa, Anaïg, Anaik, Anaïs, Anaitz, Analie, Anamari, Anane, Anani, Anastasia, Anastasie, Anastassia, Anasthasia, Anasthasie, Anatolia, Anatolie, Anatoline, Anaxandra, Anceline, Ancelle, Andéanne, Andeline, Andréa, Andréane, Andréanne, Andrée, Andreia, Andresa, Andreva, Andria, Andriano, Andromaque, Ane, Anelyse, Anémone, Anetoun, Ange, Angel, Angéla, Angèle, Angélica, Angélika, Angelina, Angeline, Angélique, Angie, Angiola, Angostina, Angy, Anh, Ani, Ania, Anicia, Anick, Anie, Aniela, Anik, Anika, Anisa, Anissa, Anissia, Anita, Anitza, Anixe, Aniz, Ann, Anna, Annabel, Annabella, Annabelle, Annaël, Annaëlle, Annah, Annaïc, Annaïck, Annaïg, Annaïs, Anne, Anne-Cécile, Anne-Charlotte, Anne-Claire, Anne-Clémence, Anne-Elisabeth, Anne-Elise, Anne-Fleur, Anne-Flore, Anne-Gaëlle, Anne-Laure, Anne-Lise, Anne-Louise, Anne-Lyse, Anne-Marie, Anne-Sophie, Annelaure, Annelie, Anneliese, Annelore, Annelotte, Annelyse, Annemane, Annemarie, Annerose, Annette, Annick, Annie, Annig, Annik, Annissa, Annouck, Annouk, Anny, Ano, Anouche, Anouchka, Anouck, Anouk, Anselma, Anthéa, Anthinéa, Anthonine, Antigone, Antinéa, Antoinella, Antoinette, Antonella, Antonia, Antonie, Antonina, Antonine, Antouneto, Antsa, Any, Anysia, Anyssa, Aoda, Aodez, Aodrena, Aoife, Aouregan, Aouregen, Aourell, Apala, Aphrodite, Apoline, Apollina, Apolline, Apolonia, Appoline, Appolonie, April, Arabel, Arabella, Arabelle, Araia, Arama, Aranea, Arantxa, Araxie, Arboa, Arbona, Arcadia, Arcadie, Arene, Arev, Arèva, Argane, Argantael, Argentine, Argi, Argia, Argitxu, Arhimba, Aria, Ariana, Ariane, Arianne, Aricie, Ariel, Arielle, Arife, Arij, Arije, Arima, Aristée, Arjuna, Arlèna, Arlène, Arlette, Arletty, Arlina, Arlinda, Arline, Armaelle, Armance, Armande, Armandine, Armantia, Armel, Armela, Armeline, Armelle, Armonie, Armony, Arnaude, Arpiné, Arreo, Arrieta, Arroxa, Arslane, Artea, Artémis, Artémise, Arthémise, Arthuria, Arthurine, Aryana, Aryane, Aryanna, Aryanne, Arzela, Arzelig, Arzu, Arzula, Asa, Asdrig, Aseline, Asella, Aselle, Asha, Ashley, Asia, Asma, Asmaa, Asmae, Asna, Assetou, Assia, Assma, Assya, Astère, Astéria, Astérie, Astérina, Astérine, Astrée, Astrid, Asya, Atalia, Atenea, Athalia, Athalie, Athalina, Athanasia, Athanasie, Athéna, Athénaïs, Athène, Athénéa, Athina, Atika, Attalia, Attalie, Aubane, Auberte, Aud, Auda, Aude, Audélia, Audélie, Audeline, Audray, Audréane, Audréanne, Audrée, Audrena, Audrène, Audrey, Audreyanne, Audry, Augusta, Augustina, Augustine, Aura, Aurane, Aure, Auréa, Auregan, Auregane, Aurela, Aurèle, Aurélia, Auréliane, Aurélie, Auréline, Aurely, Auria, Auriana, Auriane, Aurianna, Aurianne, Auriola, Auristelle, Aurora, Aurore, Austie, Austina, Auxane, Ava, Avara, Avela, Avelina, Aveline, Aven, Avia, Avigaïl, Avital, Aviva, Avril, Awena, Axelane, Axele, Axelia, Axeliane, Axeline, Axella, Axellane, Axelle, Aya, »Bastin » Ayako, Ayala, Ayame, Ayla, Aylin, Ayline, Azalée, Azélie, Azeline, Azella, Azenor, Azenora, Azenorig, Azilis, Aziliz, Azis, Aziza, Azizée, Azkanouche, Azora


Prénoms de fille commençant par la lettre B
Babe, Babet, Babette, Babine, Bachra, Badia, Bahia, Baïa, Bakene, Balere, Balkiara, Bao, Baptista, Baptistine, Barba, Barban, Barbara, Barbe, Barbera, Barberine, Barbo, Bartholomée, Bartolomea, Bartolomée, Basilia, Basilissa, Basille, Bastiana, Bastiane, Bastianne, Bastienne, Bathilda, Bathilde, Baudoine, Baudouine, Baya, Béa, Béatrice, Beatrix, Beatriz, Bée, Bela, Belen, Bélina, Bélinda, Béline, Belita, Bella, Belle, Benate, Bendita, Benedetta, Benedicta, Bénédicte, Bénédictine, Benedita, Benedite, Benita, Benjamine, Benniga, Benoîte, Bérangère, Berched, Bérengère, Bérénice, Bergido, Bernadeta, Bernadeto, Bernadetta, Bernadette, Bernarda, Bernarde, Bernardine, Bernice, Bernie, Berny, Beronika, Berta, Berteline, Bertha, Berthe, Berthilde, Berthille, Bertile, Bertilie, Bertille, Bertolomea, Bertrande, Béryl, Bess, Besse, Bessie, Beth, Béthanie, Bethany, Bethilda, Betsy, Betti, Bettie, Betty, Beverley, Beverly, Bianca, Bianka, Bibiana, Bidane, Bienvenue, Binenn, Birgitt, Birgitta, Birkita, Bixenta, Blanca, Blanche, Blanchette, Blandine, Blanka, Bleizenn, Bleuenn, Bleunienn, Blondine, Bluette, Boécia, Boneta, Bonnie, Bonny, Boshra, Brandana, Brandy, Bredig, Brenda, Brendana, Briaga, Brianna, Brianne, Bridget, Briega, Briegen, Brigit, Brigita, Brigitta, Brigitte, Brina, Brine, Briny, Brit, Brita, Britain, Britaney, Britanie, Britannia, Britanny, Britany, Brithany, Britt, Brittanica, Brittanie, Brittany, Brivaela, Brivela, Bruna, Brunaëlle, Brune, Brunehilde, Brunella, Brunelle, Brunetta, Brunette, Brunhilde


Prénoms de fille commençant par la lettre C
Caitlin, Caitline, Cala, Calandra, Calantha, Caledonia, Caleen, Calia, Caline, Calipso, Calixa, Calixte, Calliope, Callipso, Callista, Calliste, Callixte, Calypso, Calyssa, Camélia, Camélie, Camélina, Caméline, Camella, Camellia, Caméo, Cameron, Camila, Camilia, Camilla, Camille, Camillia, Candia, Candice, Candida, Candide, Candie, Candy, Candyce, Canelle, Cannelle, Cantara, Capucine, Cara, Carabelle, Caralia, Caralie, Caralyn, Carène, Carey, Carin, Carina, Carine, Carinne, Carla, Carla-Marie, Carlana, Carlen, Carlène, Carley, Carlia, Carline, Carlotta, Carly, Carlyne, Carmel, Carmela, Carmélia, Carmélice, Carmélie, Carmeline, Carmelita, Carmelle, Carmen, Carmencita, Carmina, Carmine, Caro, Carol, Carola, Carolane, Carolann, Carolanne, Carole, Carole-Anne, Carolie, Carolina, Caroline, Caroll, Carolyn, Carolyne, Caron, Carren, Carrine, Carrinne, Carron, Carry, Cary, Casandra, Casey, Cass, Cassandra, Cassandre, Cassandria, Cassendra, Cassie, Cassiopé, Cassiopéa, Cassiopée, Cassy, Casy, Catalin, Catalina, Catarina, Catarino, Caterie, Caterina, Catharina, Catharine, Cathel, Catheline, Cathelle, Catherina, Catherine, Cathia, Cathie, Cathleen, Cathy, Catia, Catiana, Catiane, Catriona, Caty, Causette, Cayla, Cécile, Cecilia, Céciliane, Cécilie, Cécily, Céléna, Célesta, Céleste, Célestina, Célestine, Célia, Céliane, Célie, Célina, Celinda, Céline, Celino, Cellia, Celya, Celyne, Cendrine, Ceridwen, Cerise, Cerisette, Césarie, Césarina, Césarine, Cesarita, Ceylan, Cézanne, Chadia, Chafia, Chaïma, Chaïmaa, Chaïmae, Chama, Chamame, Chamirame, Chan, Chandell, Chandra, Chanel, Chanele, Chanelle, Chani, Chann, Channelle, Chantal, Chantale, Chantaloun, Charazed, Charlaine, Charleen, Charlène, Charletta, Charlette, Charleyne, Charlie, Charline, Charloto, Charlotte, Charlyne, Charmaine, Chayma, Chaymaa, Chaymae, Chaza, Chéima, Chelsea, Chérame, Chérazade, Chérie, Chérifa, Cherine, Cherry, Cheryl, Cheryne, Chesna, Cheyenne, Cheyma, Chiara, China, Chirine, Chloé, Chloée, Chloélia, Chlora, Chloris, Cho, Chris, Chrislaine, Chrislène, Chrissie, Chrissy, Christa, Christabel, Christabelle, Christal, Christel, Christèle, Christelle, Christen, Christiana, Christiane, Christianne, Christie, Christilla, Christina, Christine, Christy, Chryslene, Chrystal, Chrystale, Chrystalise, Chrystel, Chrystelle, Ciara, Cicelie, Cicely, Cicily, Cilia, Cilla, Cillie, Cilly, Cindel, Cinderella, Cindia, Cindie, Cindy, Cinnie, Cinthia, Cinthya, Cirila, Cirilla, Ciriola, Cirola, Cladie, Clair, Claire, Claire-Marie, Clairette, Clara, Clare, Clarence, Clareto, Clarette, Clarice, Clarie, Clarinda, Clarine, Clarissa, Clarisse, Clarita, Claroun, Clarys, Clarysse, Claude, Claudelle, Claudette, Claudia, Claudiane, Claudie, Claudienne, Claudine, Claudino, Claudy, Cléa, Clélia, Clélie, Clem, Clémence, Clémenta, Clémente, Clémentine, Clemmie, Cléo, Cléopatra, Cléopatre, Cléophée, Clervie, Clio, Cliona, Clitorine, Clodette, Cloé, Cloée, Cloélia, Clorinda, Clorinde, Cloris, Clothilde, Clotilda, Clotilde, Coleen, Coletta, Colette, Colina, Colinda, Coline, Colinette, Colleen, Collie, Colline, Colly, Collyne, Colomba, Colombe, Colombine, Colyne, Connie, Constance, Constancia, Constante, Constantina, Constantine, Constanza, Cora, Corabel, Corabella, Corabelle, Coral, Coraléane, Coralee, Coralia, Coralie, Coraline, Coralise, Coraly, Coralyn, Coralyne, Corantine, Cordélia, Cordélie, Corélia, Corélie, Corella, Corentina, Corentine, Coria, Corianne, Corie, Corina, Corine, Corinne, Cornélia, Cornélie, Cornelienne, Corrine, Corrinne, Cory, Cosette, Cosima, Courtney, Crépine, Crescentia, Crispine, Cristal, Cristel, Cristèle, Cristelle, Cristiana, Cristiane, Cristina, Crystal, Crystel, Cylia, Cyliane, Cyllia, Cyndel, Cyndelle, Cyndia, Cyndie, Cyndy, Cynthia, Cyntia, Cypriane, Cyprielle, Cyprienne, Cyra, Cyrana, Cyrane, Cyranna, Cyranne, Cyriana, Cyriane, Cyrianne, Cyrielle, Cyrilla, Cyrille, Cyrine


Prénoms de fille commençant par la lettre D
Dafné, Dagmar, Dagoberta, Dagoberte, Dahlia, Dahud, Dai, Daïana, Daïna, Daisy, Dala, Dalhia, Dalia, Daliana, Daliane, Dalila, Dalla, Dalya, Damaris, Damia, Damiana, Damiane, Damielle, Damienne, Dana, Danaé, Danaëlle, Danele, Dani, Dania, Danica, Danicka, Danie, Daniela, Danièle, Daniella, Danielle, Danika, Danila, Danna, Dannie, Danny, Dany, Daphné, Daphnée, Daphney, Dara, Daralea, Dari, Daria, Dariane, Darianne, Darice, Darie, Dariella, Darielle, Darilyn, Darin, Darina, Darine, Darisa, Darissa, Dariya, Darlane, Darleen, Darlène, Darline, Dauphine, Davia, Daviane, Davida, Davina, Dawn, Day, Daya, Dayah, Dayana, Déa, Deana, Déanna, Debbie, Debby, Débora, Déborah, Debra, Dee, Deirdre, Delaïdo, Delea, Delfina, Delfine, Delfino, Delhia, Delia, Delila, Delinda, Delorès, Deloris, Deloula, Delphe, Delphina, Delphine, Delphy, Delta, Delya, Demetria, Deneza, Denia, Deniela, Denise, Deniz, Denyse, Desdémone, Desideria, Désirée, Desneiges, Dhélia, Dhulia, Diana, Diandra, Diane, Dianna, Dianne, Dianthe, Didiane, Dilan, Dima, Dina, Dinah, Dionysa, Dionyse, Diva, Divine, Djamela, Djamila, Djamilla, Djedjigua, Djemila, Dofi, Doïna, Dolfina, Dolly, Dolore, Dolorès, Dolorita, Doma, Domange, Domeka, Domenga, Domenge, Domenica, Dominica, Dominique, Dominka, Domitia, Domitiane, Domitie, Domitienne, Domitille, Dona, Donata, Donate, Donatella, Donatiane, Donatienne, Doneta, Donia, Donna, Donya, Dora, Doralia, Doralie, Doralin, Doraline, Doralisa, Doralyn, Doralynn, Doralynne, Dorcas, Doreen, Dorette, Dorey, Doria, Doriana, Doriane, Dorianna, Dorianne, Dorice, Dorie, Dorila, Dorilis, Dorilla, Dorina, Dorinda, Dorine, Dorinne, Doris, Dorote, Dorotea, Dorothea, Dorothée, Dorothy, Dorra, Dorri, Dorrie, Dorris, Dorry, Dory, Dorys, Dot, Dota, Doumenge, Dounia, Dounya, Dounyo, Dova, Dove, Driss, Drissia, Drusilla, Dulce, Dune, Dyan, Dyana, Dylane


Prénoms de fille commençant par la lettre E
Eba, Ebonie, Ebony, Eda, Edana, Edda, Edeline, Eden, Ederna, Ederra, Edia, Édina, Edita, Edite, Édith, Edma, Edmée, Edmonda, Edmonde, Edmondine, Edmonise, Edmontine, Edna, Edouarda, Edouardina, Edréa, Edvige, Edvina, Edwige, Edwina, Effie, Effy, Egia, Églantine, Eglé, Egléa, Egmonde, Eileen, Elaia, Élaine, Elana, Elane, Elanna, Elara, Elauna, Elaura, Elayne, Elberta, Elbertina, Elbertine, Elbira, Eldrida, Eléa, Eléana, Eleanor, Eléanore, Electra, Elen, Elena, Elene, Elénore, Eléonor, Eléonora, Eléonore, Eléora, Eleuthéria, Elfi, Elfie, Elfrea, Elfrida, Elfrieda, Elga, Élia, Éliana, Éliane, Élianne, Elianore, Elien, Elienor, Elijah, Elin, Élina, Éline, Élinoa, Elinor, Elinore, Éliora, Élisa, Elisabet, Elisabete, Élisabeth, Elisandre, Élise, Élisée, Eliso, Élissa, Elissandre, Elita, Elixane, Elixanne, Eliza, Elizabeth, Elka, Elke, Elki, Ella, Ellaura, Elléa, Ellen, Ellene, Ellenore, Ellie, Ellinor, Ellyn, Ellynn, Elma, Elmas, Elmira, Elmire, Elna, Elnora, Elnore, Éloane, Elodéa, Elodi, Elodia, Élodie, Elody, Éloïse, Élona, Elora, Elorri, Elorria, Elsa, Else, Elseline, Elsie, Elsméralda, Elsy, Elvan, Elvera, Elvia, Elvie, Elvina, Elvine, Elvira, Elvire, Élya, Elyn, Élyne, Élysa, Élyse, Elza, Ema, Emanuela, Emanuelle, Émel, Émelia, Émelie, Emélina, Émeline, Émelyne, Emerald, Emeralda, Émerance, Émerantienne, Émeraude, Émerence, Émerentienne, Emerica, Emerika, Emi, Émie, Emiko, Emilda, Émilia, Emiliana, Emiliane, Émilie, Émilienne, Émiline, Émily, Emina, Emine, Emma, Emmaline, Emmanuela, Emmanuella, Emmanuelle, Emmeline, Emmelyne, Emmie, Emmy, Emna, Emrys, Emy, Enara, Endza, Enea, Eneka, Enes, Enid, Énola, Enor, Enora, Enorig, Enya, Enza, Eode, Eodez, Éolia, Eowyn, Eozena, Éponine, Erell, Érica, Éricka, Erika, Erin, Erina, Erine, Erita, Erlea, Ermelinda, Ermelinde, Ermeline, Ermina, Ermine, Erminie, Erna, Ernesta, Ernestina, Ernestine, Eryne, Erynn, Esma, Esmaelle, Esmene, Esmeralda, Espérance, Esperanza, Esra, Essia, Esta, Estée, Estefania, Estel, Estèla, Estella, Estelle, Ester, Esther, Estieneto, Estrella, Éthel, Etheline, Ethelle, Ethelyn, Éther, Ethère, Ethérie, Étiennette, Etoile, Etzi, Eudeline, Eudia, Eudine, Eudocie, Eudora, Eudore, Eudoxia, Eudoxie, Eufemia, Eugena, Eugénia, Eugénie, Eulali, Eulalì, Eulalia, Eulalie, Eulalìo, Eunice, Euphémia, Euphémie, Euphenia, Euphrasie, Euria, Euridice, Euriel, Euriell, Eurielle, Europa, Europe, Eurydice, Eusèbia, Eusèbie, Euxane, Euzèbia, Euzèbie, Eva, Eva-Marie, Evaëlle, Evaleen, Evalyn, Evalynn, Evana, Evane, Evangéline, Evanne, Ève, Ève-Marie, Evelina, Éveline, Evelyn, Évelyne, Evi, Evie, Evika, Evin, Evita, Evona, Evone, Evonna, Evonne, Evy, Ewa


Prénoms de fille commençant par la lettre F
Fabia, Fabiana, Fabiane, Fabianne, Fabie, Fabienne, Fabiola, Fabricia, Fadèla, Fadette, Fadhila, Fadia, Fadila, Fadoua, Fadwa, Faïrouz, Faïrouzä, Faith, Faïza, Fallon, Fallone, Falone, Fanchenn, Fanchon, Faneto, Fanette, Fanfan, Fania, Fanie, Fannelle, Fannette, Fanni, Fannie, Fanny, Fant, Fanta, Fantine, Fantou, Fany, Fanya, Farah, Farha, Farida, Faridah, Farrah, Fasia, Fassia, Fathia, Fatia, Fatiha, Fatim, Fatima, Fatima-Zahra, Fatima-Zohra, Fatimata, Fatina, Fatine, Fatma, Fatma-Zohra, Fatna, Fatou, Fatouma, Fatoumata, Fatricia, Faty, Fausta, Fauste, Faustina, Faustine, Faustino, Faviola, Fay, Faye, Fayrouz, Fayruz, Fayruza, Fayza, Fazia, Fazzia, Febe, Febo, Fédélina, Fédérica, Fedora, Fee, Fefino, Féirouz, Féirouza, Félice, Félicia, Féliciana, Féliciane, Félicianna, Félicianne, Félicie, Félicienne, Félicité, Felicity, Felipa, Felisa, Félise, Felixa, Felixia, Félixiane, Félixianne, Félixie, Féodora, Ferdinanda, Ferdinande, Ferial, Feriel, Ferielle, Fermina, Fern, Fernanda, Fernande, Fernandine, Férouz, Férouze, Ferrera, Ferroudja, Feryal, Fidela, Fidèle, Fidelia, Fideline, Fidji, Fien, Fiena, Fifi, Fila, Filia, Filiberta, Filipa, Filipia, Filippa, Filippina, Filomena, Filomène, Fily, Fimia, Finon, Fiona, Fiora, Fiore, Fiorella, Fiorenza, Firma, Firmina, Flamell, Flamen, Flavia, Flavie, Flavienne, Flavy, Fleur, Fleurance, Fleure, Fleurette, Fleuriane, Fleurine, Flo, Flor, Flora, Floralie, Florane, Florange, Flore, Floréal, Florella, Florelle, Florence, Florencia, Florenta, Florentine, Florestine, Florette, Floria, Floriana, Floriane, Florianne, Florica, Florida, Floride, Florie, Florina, Florinda, Florinde, Florine, Florrie, Flory, Floryne, Fortuna, Fortune, Fortunée, Fouzia, Franca, France, Franceline, Francès, Francesca, Francette, Franciane, Francianne, Francienne, Francine, Francino, Françoise, Françoun, Frannie, Franny, Frantsesa, Freda, Freddie, Frederica, Frederika, Frederike, Frédérique, Frida, Frieda, Frontina, Fubuki, Fulgence, Fulvia, Fulvie


Prénoms de fille commençant par la lettre G
Gabia, Gabriela, Gabriele, Gabriella, Gabrielle, Gabrielo, Gaby, Gaedig, Gaël, Gaëla, Gaële, Gaelig, Gaëlla, Gaëlle, Gaétane, Gaétanne, Gaïa, Gaïane, Gaïda, Gaïdig, Gail, Gala, Galatée, Galia, Galina, Galla, Gallez, Gallia, Galliane, Gallienne, Galvane, Galvina, Gana, Ganaëlle, Garance, Gariné, Garoa, Garoune, Garsendis, Gasparine, Gastone, Gatiane, Gatianne, Gatiene, Gatienne, Gato, Gauthière, Gautière, Gavina, Gaxia, Gaxina, Gaxine, Gayane, Gemma, Gen, Gena, Geneva, Geneviève, Genevivo, Genevriévre, Genia, Génie, Genna, Gennia, Genny, Genovefa, Genoveva, Gentiane, Gentienne, Georgette, Georgia, Georgianne, Georgie, Georgina, Georgine, Géralda, Géraldine, Gérardine, Gerda, Gérémia, Germaine, Germana, Germene, Germina, Germinie, Gerry, Gersende, Gertrude, Gervaise, Ghalia, Ghania, Ghislaine, Ghizlane, Giacinto, Giacomina, Gianina, Gianna, Gigi, Gil, Gilaine, Gilberta, Gilberte, Gilda, Gilia, Gilian, Giliane, Gill, Gilleberte, Gillian, Gilliane, Gin, Gina, Ginette, Ginger, Ginnie, Ginny, Giorgia, Giovanna, Gisabel, Gisela, Gisèle, Giselle, Gislaine, Giulia, Giuliana, Glacen, Gladen, Gladez, Gladie, Gladis, Glady, Gladys, Glannon, Glawdys, Glenda, Gloria, Glorianne, Glwadys, Glynis, Godelaine, Godiva, Golda, Gontrana, Gontrania, Gontranie, Gordana, Goulvena, Goulvenez, Grace, Gracia, Graciane, Gracianne, Gracie, Gracielle, Gracieuse, Grâcieuse, Graciosa, Graxana, Grazia, Graziella, Grazilla, Gregoria, Greta, Gretchen, Gretel, Greten, Grethel, Gudule, Guénaele, Guénaelle, Guénola, Guila, Guilaine, Guilath, Guilène, Guillaine, Guillaumette, Guillema, Guillemette, Guillemine, Guillerma, Guislaine, Gurvana, Gustava, Gustavie, Guylaine, Guylène, Guyonne, Gwalduz, Gwaldys, Gwanaelle, Gwen, Gwenaël, Gwenaela, Gwenaele, Gwenaelle, Gwendeline, Gwendolen, Gwendolina, Gwendoline, Gwendolyn, Gwendolyne, Gwenhaël, Gwenina, Gwenn, Gwennaelle, Gwennoal, Gwenola, Gwenvaël, Gwenvrevi, Gwladys, Gypsie, Gysèle


Prénoms de fille commençant par la lettre H
Habiba, Habibatou, Haby, Hadara, Hadassa, Hadaya, Hadia, Hadiya, Hadjer, Hafida, Hagar, Hager, Haïa, Haïfa, Haile, Haiza, Hajar, Hajer, Hakima, Hala, Haley, Halie, Halima, Halimatou, Hallie, Hally, Hama, Hamako, Hana, Hanaa, Hanaé, Hanako, Hanan, Hani, Hania, Hanita, Hanna, Hannaé, Hannah, Hanne, Hannele, Hariette, Harméline, Harmonia, Harmonie, Harmony, Harriet, Hasmig, Hasna, Hassana, Hassania, Hassiba, Hassina, Hassna, Hatsu, Haude, Haya, Hayate, Hayatte, Hayley, Hazal, Heather, Hectoria, Hectorienne, Hectorine, Hedda, Hedi, Hedia, Hedwig, Hedwige, Hegoa, Heidi, Heidy, Heifara, Heimana, Hélaine, Heldéa, Hélée, Helen, Helena, Hélène, Helga, Hélia, Héliéna, Hélinie, Helixane, Hella, Hellen, Helma, Héloïse, Helonna, Helsa, Helvi, Hemma, Hena, Hendrika, Henria, Henriet, Henrietta, Henriette, Heodez, Herberte, Herbertine, Heremoana, Hermana, Hermance, Hermanne, Hermelinda, Hermelinde, Hermeline, Hermiène, Hermina, Hermine, Hermione, Hervea, Hervelina, Herveline, Herveva, Hervine, Hiba, Hida, Hide, Hila, Hilal, Hilaria, Hilarie, Hilary, Hilda, Hilde, Hildegarde, Hildegonde, Hildreth, Hillary, Himelinda, Himeline, Hina, Hinano, Hinatea, Hiroko, Hisae, Hodei, Hoela, Hoelenn, Hoki, Honey, Hong, Honora, Honorée, Honorina, Honorine, Hope, Horia, Hortense, Hortensia, Hoshi, Houmana, Houri, Houria, Hourya, Howayda, Huberte, Hubertine, Huga, Hugoline, Huguette, Humberta, Humbertina, Huu, Hyacinthe


Prénoms de fille commençant par la lettre I
Ianna, Ibai, Ibaia, Ida, Idaline, Ide, Idra, Ielena, Ielene, Iella, Ignatia, Igoa, Igora, Ihsane, Ikram, Ikrame, Ilana, Ilanit, Ilda, Ildegarde, Ileana, Ilena, Ilenia, Ilham, Ilhame, Ilhem, Ilheme, Ilia, Iliana, Iliane, Iliona, Ilione, Ilka, Ilki, Illana, Illena, Illenia, Illoa, Illona, Iloa, Ilona, Ilse, Ilyana, Ilyane, Imae, Imako, Iman, Imane, Imelda, Imen, Imene, Imma, Ina, Inas, Inass, Inasse, Inaya, India, Indiana, Indigo, Indira, Indra, Iné, Ines, Inès, Iness, Inesse, Inge, Ingrid, Innes, Insaf, Inssaf, Intissar, Ioanna, Ioena, Iola, Iolanda, Iolande, Iole, Iona, Ione, Ionia, Ionna, Iora, Ioulando, Iphigénie, Iréa, Iréna, Irenca, Irène, Irénéa, Irénée, Irès, Iriena, Irina, Iris, Irma, Irmeline, Irmine, Irvine, Irvinia, Isa, Isabeau, Isabel, Isabela, Isabella, Isabelle, Isadora, Isaline, Isalyne, Isaura, Isaure, Isaurie, Iscia, Isciane, Isée, Iseline, Iseult, Isia, Isice, Isidora, Isis, Islam, Islem, Isma, Ismelda, Ismena, Ismène, Isobel, Isold, Isolde, Isoline, Italia, Itzel, Iva, Ivana, Ivanie, Ivanka, Ivanna, Ivanne, Ivannie, Ivanny, Iveline, Ivena, Ivette, Ivie, Ivoire, Ivona, Ivone, Ivonig, Ivonne, Ivorine, Ivory, Ivria, Ivy, Iwa, Iwane, Ixia, Izabel, Izabela, Izar, Izaro, Izia, Izold, Izolda


Prénoms de fille commençant par la lettre J
Jacinte, Jacinthe, Jackie, Jacoba, Jacobée, Jacobienne, Jacobina, Jacobine, Jacquelène, Jacqueline, Jacquelyne, Jacquemine, Jacquine, Jada, Jade, Jaël, Jaïda, Jaima, Jakeza, Jaki, Jalila, Jamela, Jamie, Jamila, Jamilla, Jamille, Jana, Jane, Janelle, Janello, Janesh, Janet, Janetoun, Janetta, Janey, Jani, Janice, Janick, Janie, Janig, Janik, Janika, Janina, Janine, Janis, Janita, Janka, Janna, Janneken, Jannice, Jannick, Jannie, Jannila, Jannine, Janny, Jano, Janvière, Jany, Janyce, Jaquelino, Jasmée, Jasmina, Jasmine, Jasone, Javière, Jaya, Jayne, Jeanaëlle, Jeanette, Jeanick, Jeanie, Jeanine, Jeanna, Jeanne, Jeanne-Marie, Jeanneton, Jeannette, Jeannice, Jeannick, Jeannie, Jeannine, Jehane, Jehanne, Jehannet, Jehannette, Jelena, Jémila, Jemma, Jengen, Jenifer, Jenna, Jennie, Jennifer, Jennin, Jenny, Jennyfer, Jenovefa, Jéromia, Jéromine, Jésabel, Jésabelle, Jessica, Jessie, Jessika, Jessy, Jessyca, Jezabel, Jezebel, Jezekela, Jihan, Jihane, Jihen, Jihène, Jil, Jiliane, Jill, Jillian, Jin, Jinny, Jo, Joachime, Joan, Joana, Joanano, Joane, Joaneder, Joanie, Joanina, Joaninha, Joanisse, Joanna, Joanne, Joannie, Joanny, Joany, Joaquine, Joceline, Jocelyne, Jocya, Jodie, Jody, Joe, Joëla, Joële, Joélie, Joëlina, Joéline, Joëlle, Joëllina, Joéva, Johan, Johana, Johane, Johanie, Johanna, Johanne, Johannie, Johara, Jolande, Jolanta, Jolianne, Jolien, Jolinne, Jona, Jorah, Jorane, Jordaine, Jordana, Jordane, Jordann, Joscelaine, José, Josée, Josefa, Joséfina, Joséfine, Joseline, Joselyne, Josépha, Josèphe, Joséphina, Joséphine, Josette, Josiane, Josianne, Josie, Josine, Josseline, Josselyne, Jossie, Josune, Josy, Josyane, Josyann, Josyanne, Jovana, Jovanka, Jovanna, Jovita, Joy, Joyce, Joye, Juana, Juane, Juanita, Judicaël, Judicaëlle, Judie, Judit, Judite, Judith, Judithe, Juditte, Judoca, Judy, Julene, Julia, Juliana, Juliane, Julianna, Julianne, Julie, Julie-Anne, Julienne, Juliet, Julietta, Juliette, Juline, July, Jun, Juna, June, Junie, Justa, Justina, Justine, Juxta, Jwan


Prénoms de fille commençant par la lettre K
Kaat, Kabibi, Kacey, Kacia, Kacie, Kacy, Kadia, Kadidia, Kadidja, Kadija, Kady, Kaëla, Kahéna, Kahina, Kahla, Kai, Kaï, Kaïa, Kaiko, Kaïla, Kaimana, Kaïna, Kaira, Kaitlin, Kaki, Kala, Kaléa, Kalena, Kaley, Kali, Kalie, Kalila, Kalina, Kalinda, Kaline, Kalyne, Kama, Kamar, Kamara, Kamaria, Kameko, Kamela, Kamelia, Kamila, Kamili, Kamilia, Kamilla, Kamra, Kana, Kanani, Kane, Kani, Kanna, Kanoa, Kany, Kanza, Kaoru, Kaoura, Kara, Karama, Kareen, Karel, Karell, Karelle, Karen, Karène, Karia, Kariana, Kariane, Karianna, Karianne, Karima, Karin, Karina, Karine, Kariné, Karitate, Karla, Karlèna, Karlène, Karlina, Karline, Karlota, Karlotta, Karmele, Karmen, Karola, Karolane, Karolanne, Karolina, Karoune, Karyl, Kasandra, Kashmir, Kasia, Kassandra, Kassandre, Katalin, Katalina, Katalinta, Katalinto, Katarin, Katarina, Kate, Katel, Katelina, Kateline, Katell, Katelle, Katelyne, Katerin, Katerina, Kateryn, Katerynn, Katharina, Katharine, Katheline, Katherina, Katherine, Kathia, Kathleen, Kathline, Kathryn, Kathy, Katia, Katio, Katleen, Katline, Katlyne, Katou, Katrin, Katrina, Katrine, Katty, Katy, Katya, Kavanez, Kawtar, Kay, Kaya, Kayané, Kaye, Kayla, Kayna, Kazema, Kazima, Kéanne, Keara, Kefira, Keiko, Keira, Kélia, Keliane, Kelila, Kelila, Kelliane, Kellie, Kelly, Kellyanna, Kellyanne, Kemila, Kendra, Kenny, Kénocha, Kenya, Kenza, Kenzy, Keren, Keridwen, Kerima, Kerry, Keshia, Kesia, Kessy, Ketsia, Ketty, Ketura, Keturah, Keva, Kevine, Kevina, Kezia, Keziah, Khadidja, Khadija, Khadra, Khady, Khaïra, Khalida, Khatoune, Khéa, Khedidja, Khéira, Kia, Kiah, Kiana, Kiara, Kiera, Kiliane, Killiane, Kim, Kimberlay, Kimberley, Kimberly, Kimiko, Kimmy, Kindra, Kinsey, Kira, Kiria, Kirsten, Kitra, Kiwa, Kiyo, Kiyoko, Klaoda, Klara, Klarina, Klarissa, Klaudia, Klémentine, Kler, Klervi, Klervia, Klervie, Klodina, Kloé, Klothilda, Klothilde, Kohana, Kohare, Koko, Komé, Kora, Koralie, Koralyne, Kosma, Kostansa, Koto, Koulm, Koulma, Koulmia, Kozue, Krista, Kristal, Kristel, Kristèle, Kristell, Kristelle, Kristen, Kristiana, Kristin, Kristina, Krystal, Krystel, Kuma, Kumb, Kumiko, Kyara, Kyla, Kylie, Kym, Kyoko, Kyria


Prénoms de fille commençant par la lettre L
Laela, Laelia, Laeliana, Laésianne, Laeticia, Laetitia, Laetitianne, Laetitienne, Laïdo, Laig, Laïla, Laina, Laititia, Lala, Lali, Lalia, Lalie, Lalla, Lallie, Laloun, Laly, Lamia, Lamya, Lana, Laora, Lara, Larie, Larissa, Larrie, Larrosa, Laur, Laura, Lauraine, Lauralee, Lauraleen, Lauralie, Lauraline, Lauraly, Laurana, Laurane, Lauranna, Lauranne, Laure, Laure-Anne, Lauréa, Laureana, Lauréane, Lauréanne, Laurée, Laureen, Laurelène, Laurelenn, Laurelina, Laureline, Laurella, Laurelle, Laurelyne, Lauren, Laurena, Laurenca, Laurence, Laurène, Laurentienne, Laurentine, Laureto, Laurette, Lauriana, Lauriane, Laurianne, Laurie, Laurie-Anne, Laurina, Laurinda, Laurine, Lauro, Laury, Lauryn, Lauryne, Lavinia, Layla, Léa, Léa-Marie, Leah, Leala, Léana, Léandra, Léandre, Léandria, Léane, Léanna, Léanne, Leda, Lee, Leeloo, Leelou, Leia, Leïla, Leilani, Leïna, Lela, Lélia, Léliane, Lena, Lenaïg, Leni, Lenka, Lenna, Lennie, Lennig, Lénonie, Lénora, Lénore, Léocadia, Léocadie, Léoda, Leokadia, Léola, Léona, Léonarda, Léonarde, Léonce, Léoncia, Léondine, Léone, Léonella, Leoni, Léonia, Léonida, Léonide, Léonie, Léonilda, Léonne, Léonor, Leonora, Léonora, Léonore, Léontia, Léontine, Léopoldine, Léora, Léore, Leounoro, Lera, Léria, Lesley, Leslie, Lesly, Leslye, Léticia, Létitia, Letizia, Lévana, Levenez, Lexa, Lexane, Lexi, Lexia, Lexie, Lexina, Lexy, Leya, Leyla, Leyna, Lezig, Lezou, Lhéa, Li, Li, Li-Hua, Li-Nei, Lia, Liana, Liane, Lianne, Libbie, Libby, Libe, Liberté, Liberty, Lida, Liddy, Lidia, Lidie, Lidig, Lidwine, Lidy, Lien, Lien-Hua, Liénor, Lila, Lilac, Lilas, Lili, Lilia, Lilian, Liliana, Liliane, Lilianne, Lilie, Lilla, Lilli, Lillia, Lilliane, Lilly, Lilou, Lily, Lily-Rose, Lilya, Lilybeth, Lina, Linda, Lindsay, Lindsey, Lindy, Line, Linnea, Linsay, Linsey, Lio, Lionia, Lior, Lis, Lisa, Lisa-Marie, Lisandra, Lisandre, Lisanne, Lisbeth, Lise, Lise-Marie, Lisenn, Liseto, Lisette, Lison, Lissandre, Liv, Livia, Livie, Liz, Liza, Lizaig, Lizbeth, Lizig, Lizzie, Llona, Lo, Loan, Loana, Loane, Loann, Loanna, Loanne, Loba, Lobna, Lodi, Lodie, Lodovica, Loeiza, Loélia, Loéva, Logan, Logane, Loïcia, Loïs, Loïse, Loiza, Lola, Loli, Lolie, Lolita, Loly, Lona, Lonora, Loona, Lora, Loraine, Loraleen, Loraline, Lorane, Lore, Lorea, Loredana, Loredane, Loredi, Loreen, Lorelei, Lorelle, Loren, Lorena, Lorène, Lorenza, Loreta, Lorete, Lorette, Lori, Loriana, Loriane, Lorianne, Lorie, Lorig, Lorina, Lorinda, Lorine, Lorinne, Lorna, Lorraine, Lorri, Lorrie, Lorrin, Lory, Loryne, Lotte, Lottie, Lotus, Lou, Lou-Ann, Lou-Anna, Lou-Anne, Louana, Louane, Louann, Louanne, Loubna, Louella, Louisa, Louisanna, Louise, Louise-Anne, Louise-Marie, Louiselle, Louisette, Louisiane, Louisianne, Louison, Louiza, Louka, Loula, Loulou, Louna, Lourdes, Loussig, Lovely, Lovita, Luan, Luana, Luane, Luann, Luanna, Luanne, Luba, Luce, Lucette, Lucia, Luciana, Luciane, Lucianise, Lucianna, Lucianne, Lucie, Lucienne, Lucile, Lucilia, Lucilla, Lucille, Lucina, Lucinda, Lucinde, Lucine, Lucy, Lucylle, Lucynda, Ludivina, Ludivine, Ludmila, Ludmilla, Ludovica, Ludyvine, Luella, Luigia, Luisa, Luiza, Lulu, Luna, Lune, Lusia, Luxia, Ly, Lya, Lyane, Lycia, Lydia, Lydiane, Lydianne, Lydie, Lydwine, Lygie, Lyla, Lylia, Lyliane, Lylou, Lyna, Lynda, Lyne, Lynn, Lynne, Lys, Lysa, Lysbeth, Lysdoria, Lyse, Lysiane, Lyuba, Lyza


Prénoms de fille commençant par la lettre M
Maaike, Mabel, Mabelia, Mabella, Mabelle, Macha, Madalen, Madalena, Madaleno, Maddie, Maddy, Madelaine, Madeleine, Madelia, Madelina, Madeline, Madelyn, Madelyne, Maden, Madenn, Madennig, Madez, Madge, Madiana, Madiha, Madilyn, Madin, Madina, Madison, Madisone, Madisson, Madissone, Madlie, Madline, Madly, Mado, Madonna, Mady, Madyson, Madysson, Mae, Maé, Maei, Maeko, Maël, Maëla, Maëlane, Maële, Maëlenn, Maëlia, Maëlice, Maëlie, Maëlig, Maëline, Maëlis, Maëliss, Maëlisse, Maëlla, Maëlle, Maëllis, Maëlly, Maëllys, Maëlwenn, Maëly, Maëlyne, Maëlys, Maëlyss, Maena, Maeva, Maevane, Maève, Maewenn, Mafalda, Magali, Magalie, Magaly, Magda, Magdalaine, Magdalen, Magdalena, Magdalène, Magdalina, Magdaline, Magella, Maggie, Maggy, Magnolia, Maguelone, Maguelonne, Magui, Maguy, Maha, Mahalia, Mahats, Mahaud, Mahault, Mahaut, Mahé, Maheva, Mahina, Mai, Maï, Mai-Ly, Maïa, Maïalen, Maïana, Maider, Maie, Maika, Maïli, Maïlie, Maïlis, MaiLy, Maïly, Maïlys, Maïmouna, Maïna, Maine, Maiona, Maiora, Maiorga, Maïoun, Mairé, Maisie, Maïssa, Maïssane, Maisy, Maitana, Maïté, Maïtena, Maitilde, Maïva, Maïwen, Maïwena, Maïwenn, Maïwenna, Maja, Majda, Majdeline, Majdouline, Majorie, Makana, Mala, Malaïka, Malaurie, Malaury, Malena, Malha, Malia, Malika, Malinda, Malissa, Mall Mallaurie, Mallaury, Mallorie, Mallory, Mally, Malorie, Malory, Malvina, Mama, Mame, Mamou, Mana, Manal, Mandie, Mandy, Maneiza, Manel, Manele, Manelle, Manhattan, Manig, Manjou, Manju, Manna, Mannie, Manola, Manoli, Manolita, Manolya, Manon, Manouane, Mansoura, Manuela, Manuelita, Manuella, Manuelle, Maodana, Maodanig, Maora, Mara, Maraki, Marcelina, Marceline, Marcella, Marcelle, Marcellina, Marcelline, Marcia, Marcianne, Marcie, Marcienne, Marcy, Marei, Marélie, Mareva, Margaid, Margalite, Marganne, Margaret, Margareth, Margarita, Margaud, Margault, Margaux, Margerie, Margery, Marget, Margie, Margo, Margod, Margot, Margrit, Marguerie, Marguerite, Marguerite-Marie, Mari, Maria, Maria-Luisa, Mariam, Mariama, Mariame, Mariana, Mariane, Marianeta, Marianka, Marianna, Marianne, Maribel, Maribelle, Marica, Maricka, Maricke, Marie, Marie-Alice, Marie-Alix, Marie-Amandine, Marie-Amélie, Marie-Anaïs, Marie-Ange, Marie-Anna, Marie-Anne, Marie-Camille, Marie-Caroline, Marie-Charlotte, Marie-Chloé, Marie-Christelle, Marie-Christine, Marie-Claire, Marie-Emilie, Marie-Emmanuelle, Marie-Eva, Marie-Ève, Marie-France, Marie-Françoise, Marie-Gabrielle, Marie-Hélène, Marie-Jeanne, Marie-José, Marie-Julie, Marie-Laure, Marie-Léa, Marie-Liesse, Marie-Line, Marie-Lise, Marie-Lou, Marie-Louise, Marie-Lys, Marie-Madeleine, Marie-Océane, Marie-Paule, Marie-Pauline, Marie-Pia, Marie-Pierre, Marie-Rose, Marie-Sara, Marie-Sarah, Marie-Ségolène, Marie-Sophie, Marie-Stella, Marie-Thérèse, Marie-Valentine, Marie-Victoire, Mariel, Mariele, Mariella, Marielle, Mariem, Marieme, Marieta, Marietou, Marietta, Mariette, Mariève, Marika, Marike, Marilène, Mariline, Marilou, Marilyn, Marilyne, Marilys, Marilyse, Marina, Marine, Marinella, Marineta, Marinetta, Marinette, Marinka, Marinne, Mariola, Marion, Mariona, Marisa, Marise, Mariska, Marisol, Marissa, Marita, Maritxu, Marivon, Marivonne, Marjana, Marjane, Marjelle, Marjene, Marjenka, Marjolaine, Marjoly, Marjorie, Marjory, Marlaine, Marlène, Marlie, Marline, Marly, Marlyse, Marnia, Marnie, Maroi, Maroua, Marron, Marsha, Marsia, Marsie, Marta, Martha, Marthe, Martianne, Martienne, Martina, Martine, Marusca, Marwa, Mary, Mary-Lou, Marya, Maryam, Maryama, Maryame, Maryanna, Maryanne, Marybelle, Marycka, Maryelle, Maryem, Maryeve, Maryka, Marylaure, Maryleine, Marylène, Marylin, Maryline, Marylise, Marylou, Maryna, Maryne, Maryon, Maryse, Maryvette, Maryvonne, Marzena, Massa, Mata, Matea, Matelda, Materne, Matheline, Mathéna, Mathida, Mathie, Mathilda, Mathilde, Mathilt, Mathurine, Mathylde, Matilda, Matilde, Matilina, Matte, Mattea, Mattie, Mattilda, Mattis, Matty, Maturina, Maud, Maude, Maudez, Maudie, Maura, Mauraine, Maurane, Mauranne, Maureen, Mauricette, Mauricienne, Maurie, Maurine, Mauryne, Mauve, Maveline, Mavelle, Maxa, Maxence, Maxima, Maximiliane, Maximilienne, Maxine, May, Maya, Maybel, Maybelle, MayLi, Mayline, Maylis, Mayliss, Maysoon, Mayssa, Mazal, Mazarine, Meagan, Meckele, Mectilde, Meg, Megan, Mégane, Megann, Méganne, Meggan, Meggane, Meggie, Meggy, Meghan, Meghane, Meghann, Megtilda, Meguy, Mehdia, Mei, Mei, Meïbye, Méimouna, Méira, Méissa, Meïssane, Mektilde, Mélaine, Mélanie, Melanio, Melantha, Mélany, Melena, Mélène, Melesine, Mélia, Méliana, Meliane, Melicent, Mélie, Mélika, Mélike, Mélina, Mélinda, Méline, Mélis, Mélisa, Mélisande, Mélisandre, Melisende, Mélisianne, Mélissa, Mélissande, Mélissandre, Mélissane, Mélissanne, Mélisse, Mélissia, Mélita, Mellie, Mélodi, Mélodie, Mélody, Méloé, Méloée, Mélusine, Melvina, Mélyna, Mélynda, Mélyne, Mélyssa, Melyssandre, Mendy, Menico, Méora, Mérane, Mercedes, Mérédith, Meriam, Meriame, Mérielle, Meriem, Mérine, Merraine, Merrane, Merryl, Meryam, Meryem, Meryl, Meryll, Messaline, Messaouda, Met, Métaxia, Météa, Metig, Mettild, Metze, Mevena, Meyrem, Mi, Mia, Miakim, Michaëla, Michaële, Michaëlla, Michaëlle, Michèle, Michelina, Micheline , Michelle, Michelline, Mickaëla, Mickaëlle, Mieko, Miempie, Mietta, Mika, Mikaela, Mikaéline, Mikaëlle, Miki, Mila, Milagros, Milana, Milane, Milda, Mildred, Miléna, Milène, Milia, Milica, Milka, Milla, Millicent, Milly, Mimi, Mina, Mindy, Mine, Minerva, Minerve, Minh, Mini, Minie, Minna, Minnie, Miora, Mira, Mirabelle, Mirana, Miranda, Mirca, Mireille, Mirèio, Mirel, Mirella, Miren, Mirena, Miriam, Miriann, Mirianne, Miryam, Misao, Misty, Mitsuko, Miyo, Moa, Moana, Modana, Modeste, Modestie, Modestine, Modesty, Moéa, Mohana, Moïra, Moïsa, Moïsette, Mojdeh, Molly, Mona, Mona-Lisa, Monette, Monia, Monica, Monie, Monika, Monique, Monserrat, Montserrat, Monya, Morane, Morgan, Morgana, Morgane, Morgann, Morganne, Morgiane, Mori, Moricette, Morine, Morjan, Morjana, Morjane, Morwenna, Mouna, Mounia, Mounya, Mujinga, Muriel, Muriele, Murielle, My, Mya, Mylaine, Myléna, Mylène, Myra, Myranie, Myria, Myriam, Myriame, Myriann, Myrianne, Myrielle, Myriem, Myrna, Myrthale, Myrtille


Prénoms de fille commençant par la lettre N
Naama, Nabara, Nabia, Nabila, Nabilah, Nacéra, Nacira, Nada, Nadège, Nadeje, Nadéra, Nadeto, Nadette, Nadia, Nadina, Nadine, Nadira, Nadja, Nadjat, Nadjela, Nadjet, Nadjia, Nadra, Nady, Nadya, Nadyne, Naëla, Naëlle, Naéma, Naemi, Naemia, Naéva, Nafissa, Nahara, Nahéma, Nahia, Nahid, Nahida, Nahima, Nahla, Naïa, Naiad, Naïada, Naiara, Naïda, Naïg, Naïla, Naïlah, Naïma, Naïri, Naïs, Najah, Najat, Najate, Najet, Najette, Najia, Najiba, Najima, Najma, Najoua, Najwa, Nami, Namira, Nana, Nance, Nancie, Nancy, Nanée, Naneto, Nano, Nanor, Nao, Naoïl, Naoïle, Naomi, Naomie, Naomy, Naoual, Naouale, Naouel, Naouelle, Nara, Narbona, Narcisse, Nardjess, Narima, Nariman, Narimane, Narimen, Nariné, Narjès, Narjess, Narjis, Narjisse, Narrimane, Nasira, Nasrine, Nasséra, Nassia, Nassima, Nassira, Nastasia, Nastassia, Nat, Natacha, Natalena, Natalène, Natali, Natalia, Natalie, Natalina, Nataline, Natalis, Natasha, Nathalia, Nathalie, Nathaly, Nathanaëlle, Nati, Natividad, Natsu, Natty, Naty, Nava, Nawal, Nawale, Nawel, Nawell, Nawelle, Nayla, Nazanie, Nazélie, Nazénie, Nazik, Nazli, Nbango, Ndiaye, Ndome, Néala, Neale, Nedeleg, Nedjma, Nedra, Neige, Neila, Neïma, Nejma, Nèle, Nelia, Nélia, Nélie, Nell Nella, Nelli, Nellie, Nelly, Néola, Néoma, Néona, Nerea, Neria, Nerice, Nérida, Nérina, Nérine, Nérissa, Nerisse, Nerys, Neryssa, Nese, Neslihan, Nesrin, Nesrine, Ness, Nessrine, Netta, Nettie, Netty, Neva, Nevada, Nevarte, Neve, Nevena, Neza, Nezig, Nezli, Ngoc, Ngonde, Nguyet, Niame, Niamet, Niamh, Nicia, Nickie, Nicolasa, Nicole, Nicoletta, Nicolette, Nicolina, Nicoline, Nicolle, Nida, Nidhi, Nigelle, Nika, Nikita, Nikolia, Nikouche, Nil, Nima, Nimah, Nina, Nine, Ninnog, Ninon, Ninoun, Nirmala, Nisrina, Nisrine, Nissa, Nissrine, Nita, Niva, Nixie, Nizam, Noa, Noalig, Noam, Noami, Noamie, Noan, Noela, Noèle, Noélia, Noélie, Noéline, Noëlla, Noëlle, Noëllie, Noëlline, Noëlly, Noémi, Noémie, Noémy, Noha, Nohra, Noisette, Nola, Nolana, Nolène, Nolvenn, Nolwen, Nolwene, Nolwenn, Nolwenne, Noor, Nora, Norah, Norberte, Nore, Noreen, Norette, Noria, Noriane, Norig, Norina, Norine, Norma, Nouela, Nouha, Nouhaïla, Nouma, Nouné, Nour, Noura, Nouria, Nouriya, Nova, Noyale, Noyémie, Nuala, Nuange, Nuccia, Nur, Nuria, Nymphas, Nymphe, Nymphéa, Nyoko


Prénoms de fille commençant par la lettre O
Oana, Oanez, Obaldine, Obélia, Obélide, Obélie, Obélienne, Obéline, Obélinie, Obella, Océana, Océane, Océanne, Ochritte, Octavia, Octavie, Octavienne, Od, Oda, Odde, Odelia, Odélia, Odélice, Odélide, Odelie, Odélie, Odelinda, Odelinde, Odeline, Odélinie, Odélisa, Odélise, Odélisse, Odell, Odella, Odelle, Odelyn, Odéna, Odénia, Odénie, Odessa, Odette, Odie, Odile, Odilia, Odilie, Odille, Odyle, Odyssée, Ofelia, Ofira, Ohanna, Oihana, Oihane, Oksana, Oksanna, Oksanne, Ola, Olalia, Olathe, Olathia, Olédie, Olesia, Olexa, Olfa, Olga, Olicia, Olina, Olinda, Oliva, Olive, Olivea, Olivia, Oliviana, Oliviane, Olivianna, Olivianne, Olwen, Olwenn, Olympe, Olympia, Omaïma, Omayma, Ombeline, Ombline, Oméya, Ona, Ondine, Oneka, Oona, Opal, Opale, Opaline, Ophélia, Ophélie, Ophéline, Ophély, Ophira, Ora, Oralia, Orama, Orana, Orane, Orchidée, Oréa, Oreal, Oregane, Oregon, Oreli, Orélie, Orenda, Oria, Oriana, Oriane, Orianna, Orianne, Oriel, Orina, Orinda, Orla, Orlanda, Orlane, Orlanne, Orléans, Orlena, Orlene, Orna, Ornella, Orphée, Orphélie, Orria, Oryane, Osana, Osane, Osanna, Osanne, Oscarine, Osmonde, Othélie, Othilde, Othilia, Othilie, Otilia, Ottalie, Ottavia, Ottilia, Ottilie, Otylia, Ouarda, Ouardia, Ouidad, Ouidade, Ouided, Oulfa, Ouma, Oumaïma, Oumama, Oumayma, Oumy, Ourdia, Ourida, Ovsanna, Oxana, Oxane, Oxanne, Oyana, Ozana


Prénoms de fille commençant par la lettre P
Paciane, Pacifica, Pacomette, Pakita, Palma, Palmira, Palmire, Palmyre, Paloma, Palome, Palomia, Pam, Paméla, Pamelia, Pandore, Paola, Paquerette, Paquita, Parfaite, Pascale, Pascaline, Pasqualine, Pat, Patience, Patricia, Patriciane, Patrizia, Patsy, Patti, Pattie, Patty, Paula, Paule, Paulette, Paulia, Paulina, Pauline, Paulino, Paulita, Paytone, Paz, Pearl, Peg, Peggie, Peggy, Pélage, Pélagia, Pélagie, Penda, Pénélope, Penny Pépita, Peregrina, Périne, Périnne, Perla, Perle, Perline, Pernelle, Pernette, Pernilla, Pernille, Péroline, Perona, Péronele, Péronelle, Peronille, Péronnelle, Pérouze, Perrette, Perrine, Perrinette, Persephone, Persia, Petra, Pétrone, Pétronelle, Pétronia, Pétronille, Pétula, Pétunia, Peyronne, Peyronnelle, Phebe, Phébée, Phelia, Phénicia, Phila, Philadelphia, Philadelphie, Philae, Philana, Philberta, Philia, Philipine, Philippa, Philippine, Phillie, Philomène, Philys, Phoebé, Phuong, Phylis, Phyllis, Pia, Piedad, Pierrette, Pierrine, Poe, Poehei, Poeiti, Poemoana, Poenui, Pola, Polly, Pollyanna, Pome, Pomme, Pompea, Pompeia, Precilia, Precillia, Prescilia, Prescilla, Prescillia, Prescylia, Pricillia, Prima, Primela, Primerose, Princesse, Prisca, Priscila, Priscilia, Priscilla, Priscille, Priscillia, Priska, Prissie, Privela, Priya, Prudence, Prudencia, Prudie, Prudy, Prune, Prunella, Prunelle, Pryscillia, Pulchérie


Prénoms de fille commençant par la lettre Q
Quinta, Quinte, Quintia, Quintila, Quintina, Quiterie, Quitteri, Quitterie


Prénoms de fille commençant par la lettre R
Rabeb, Rabha, Rabia, Rachel, Rachèle, Rachelle, Rachida, Rachilde, Rachile, Radegonde, Radhia, Radia, Radija, Rafaëla, Rafaële, Rafaëlle, Rahima, Rahma, Rai, Raïa, Raïhane, Raïssa, Raïtha, Raja, Rajaa, Rajae, Rakel, Rama, Ramia, Ramona, Rana, Randa, Rani, Rania, Ranya, Raphaëla, Raphaële, Raphaëlla, Raphaëlle, Raquel, Ravenna, Rayane, Raymonde, Raymonne, Rayna, Reb’h, Rébecca, Régina, Régine, Réhane, Reiko, Reine, Réjane, Réjanne, Renalde, Rénaldine, Renata, Renate, Renaude, Renda, Renée, Resa, Resana, Reserl, Resi, Resli, Réva, Révelyne, Rexana, Reyhan, Rhéa, Rhoda, Rhode, Rhodia, Rhonda, Richarde, Richardine, Riham, Rima, Rime, Rina, Rinda, Ripley, Rita, Rivanon, Rivka, Riwanon, Roanna, Robanne, Roberta, Roberte, Robertine, Robine, Rocca, Rogatienne, Rohana, Rohanna, Rohanne, Roia, Rolanda, Rolande, Rolende, Rollande, Roma, Romaine, Romana, Romance, Romane, Romarine, Romea, Romée, Romy, Ronel, Ronnie, Rony, Rosa, Rosabel, Rosabella, Rosabelle, Rosalba, Rosalbanne, Rosalia, Rosalie, Rosalina, Rosalinde, Rosaline, Rosalyn, Rosamée, Rosamonde, Rosana, Rosane, Rosanna, Rosanne, Rosaura, Rosaure, Rose, Rose-Marie, Rosée, Roselena, Roselene, Roseline, Rosella, Roselle, Roselyne, Rosemarie, Rosemary, Rosemay, Rosemonde, Rosetta, Rosette, Rosi, Rosie, Rosilda, Rosina, Rosine, Rosmunda, Roso, Rosy, Roula, Roxana, Roxane, Roxanna, Roxanne, Roxie, Roxine, Roxy, Roz, Roza, Rozabel, Rozen, Rozena, Rozenn, Rubis, Ruby, Rufina, Ruth, Rym


Prénoms de fille commençant par la lettre S
Saada, Saadia, Saba, Sabah, Sabbah, Sabia, Sabie, Sabienne, Sabiha, Sabina, Sabine, Sabra, Sabria, Sabrina, Sabrine, Sabriya, Sabrya, Sabryna, Sabryne, Sacha, Sade, Sadé, Sadia, Sadie, Sadio, Sadira, Saël, Safa, Safaa, Safae, Saffron, Saffy, Safia, Safiya, Safya, Sahar, Sahra, Saïda, Sakae, Sakina, Sakura, Salamata, Salia, Saliha, Salima, Salimata, Salina, Sallie, Sally, Salma, Salomé, Salomée, Saloua, Salvadora, Salwa, Samah, Samanta, Samantha, Samar, Samara, Samia, Samiha, Samira, Sammantha, Samra, Samuela, Samuèle, Samuella, Samuelle, Samya, Sana, Sanaa, Sanae, Sanah, Sandi, Sandia, Sandie, Sandra, Sandrina, Sandrine, Sandryne, Sandy, Sania, Sanna, Sansa, Santa, Santana, Saphia, Saphir, Saphora, Sara, Sarafina, Sarah, Sarah-Lou, Saraï, Saran, Saranne, Sarene, Sarenne, Sarha, Saria, Sarina, Sarra, Sascha, Sasha, Saskia, Satheen, Sati, Satin, Satine, Saundra, Savana, Savanah, Savanna, Savannah, Savanne, Saveria, Savina, Savine, Sawsan, Saydek, Sayeh, Scarlett, Schéhérazade, Schérazade, Sebastia, Sébastiane, Sébastienne, Sebastina, Sécil, Séda, Sédonia, Séfora, Ségalène, Seghira, Ségolaine, Ségolène, Segonde, Séham, Seiko, Sékoïa, Selen, Séléna, Selene, Selia, Sélima, Sélin, Sélina, Selma, Selvi, Selyna, Sema, Semera, Sémia, Semra, Sena, Seona, Sepharine, Séphora, Serafina, Sérafine, Séraphia, Séraphie, Séraphine, Sereine, Séren, Séréna, Serene, Sergia, Sergiane, Sergine, Serine, Servana, Servane, Servanne, Séta, Sévan, Sévane, Sévéra, Sévériane, Séverienne, Séverina, Séverine, Seyda, Shade, Shae, Shaeen, Shaela, Shaelie, Shaeline, Shaelynn, Shaena, Shaeya, Shahar, Shahara, Shahi, Shahin, Shahina, Shaï, Shaïa, Shaila, Shaïma, Shaïna, Shaine, Shakira, Shalaina, Shalaine, Shalana, Shalanda, Shalane, Shalaun, Shalea, Shaleah, Shaleana, Shalee, Shalena, Shalene, Shalona, Shalyn, Shalyne, Shamsi, Shana, Shandelle, Shanée, Shanel, Shani, Shania, Shanie, Shanna, Shannel, Shannen, Shannon, Shanon, Shanone, Shanti, Shany, Shareen, Sharleen, Sharon, Sharone, Shauna, Shawna, Shayna, Sheela, Sheena, Shéhérazade, Sheila, Sheïma, Sheina, Shelan, Shelanda, Shelby, Shelena, Shelihane, Shérazade, Sherine, Sherley, Sheryl, Sherylan, Sheryne, Shina, Shirel, Shirine, Shirley, Shona, Shonah, Shonda, Shone, Shonna, Shoshanna, Sibel, Sibille, Sibyl, Sibylle, Sibylline, Sidaine, Sidney, Sido, Sidoine, Sidonie, Sidony, Siegrid, Siera, Sierra, Sigolaine, Sigolène, Sigourney, Sigrid, Siham, Sihame, Sihem, Siheme, Sila, Silana, Silia, Silke, Siloé, Silva, Silvaine, Silvana, Silvane, Silvia, Silviane, Silvie, Silya, Sima, Simona, Simone, Simonetta, Simonette, Simonne, Sindy, Sinead, Siobhan, Siobhane, Siona, Siranna, Siranouche, Sirarpie, Sirène, Sirin, Sirine, Sirouhie, Sissi, Sissy, Sita, Sixtine, Sloana, Sloane, Smahan, Smina, Soazic, Soazick, Soazig, Sofia, Sofiane, Sofie, Sohéila, Soisick, Soizic, Soizick, Soizig, Solaine, Solana, Solange, Soléa, Soledad, Soleil, Solen, Solena, Solène, Solenn, Solenna, Solenne, Solina, Soline, Solkem, Solveig, Solweig, Solyane, Solyne, Somaya, Sona, Songea, Sonia, Sonja, Sonny, Sonya, Sophia, Sophiane, Sophie, Sophora, Sophy, Soraya, Soria, Soriya, Sorya, Souaad, Souad, Souade, Soufia, Souhad, Souhaïla, Souhayla, Souhéila, Souhila, Soukaïna, Soukayna, Soukéina, Soumaya, Souméya, Soumia, Soumiya, Soumya, Sounia, Souraya, Souria, Sowa, Stacey, Stacie, Stacy, Stanislava, Stanislawa, Steacy, Stecy, Stefana, Stefania, Stefanie, Stéfannie, Stefany, Steffi, Steffie, Steffy, Stella, Stelle-bianca, Stelly, Stélonie, Steph, Stéphania, Stéphanie, Stephany, Stephie, Stephy, Sterenn, Stessie, Stessy, Sue, Suki, Sultan, Sultana, Sumiko, Summer, Sunny, Susan, Susana, Susanna, Susanne, Susette, Susie, Susy, Suzan, Suzane, Suzanna, Suzanne, Suzel, Suzelle, Suzette, Suzie, Suzon, Suzy, Svetlana, Swan, Swana, Swann, Swanna, Swanny, Sybel, Sybil, Sybile, Sybille, Sydjey, Sydney, Sylia, Sylva, Sylvaine, Sylvana, Sylvane, Sylvanie, Sylvanna, Sylvène, Sylvestine, Sylvette, Sylvia, Sylviana, Sylviane, Sylvianne, Sylvie, Symphoriane, Syna, Synthia, Syrena, Syriane, Syrianne, Syrina, Syrine


Prénoms de fille commençant par la lettre T
Tabatha, Tabora, Tacita, Tahia, Tahira, Tahlia, Taïs, Takara, Taki, Takiyah, Tal, Tale, Talia, Talie, Taline, Tally, Tam, Tama, Tamako, Tamala, Tamar, Tamara, Tami, Tamiko, Tammy, Tamra, Tamy, Tana, Tanaïs, Tanaya, Taneya, Tangerine, Tania, Tanina, Tanis, Tanja, Tanka, Tannis, Tanya, Tao, Taous, Tara, Tarah, Tarai, Tareen, Tareja, Taren, Taresa, Tarin, Tarina, Tarryn, Taryn, Tatevik, Tatia, Tatiana, Tatiane, Tatienne, Tatjana, Tatyana, Taunya, Tawes, Taylor, Téa, Téana, Téanna, Tehani, Tehila, Tehora, Tela, Télia, Tella, Telma, Téodora, Teodosia, Teofila, Teofilia, Téoxana, Téoxane, Téoxanna, Téoxanne, Téoxena, Téoxène, Téoxenna, Téoxènne, Terecha, Teresa, Terese, Teresita, Terez, Terezie, Teri, Terka, Terrance, Terri, Terrie, Terry, Terssa, Teseu, Tesja, Tess, Tessa, Tessie, Tessy, Teva, Texa, Thaa, Thaïs, Thalassa, Thalia, Thalie, Tham, Thamar, Thamara, Thamila, Thana, Thanh, Thanya, Thao, Thara, Tharia, Théa, Théana, Théanna, Thée, Théïa, Thela, Thelma, Thémis, Théodora, Théodoria, Théodorie, Théodorine, Théodosie, Théodota, Théola, Théonie, Théophanée, Théophania, Théophanie, Théophila, Théophilène, Théophilia, Théosie, Théothilde, Théotima, Théotine, Théotise, Théotiste, Théoxana, Théoxane, Théoxanna, Théoxanne, Théoxena, Théoxène, Théoxenna, Théoxènne, Thérésa, Thérèse, Theresia, Théroigne, Thi, Thien, Thifaine, Thifany, Thiffany, Thiphaine, Thiphania, Thiphanie, Thom, Thora, Thorina, Thorine, Thu, Thurine, Thuy, Thyphaine, Thyra, Tia, Tiana, Tianna, Tiare, Tiarehau, Tifaine, Tifanie, Tifanny, Tifany, Tifenn, Tiffaine, Tiffani, Tiffanie, Tiffany, Tiffen, Tiffène, Tilda, Tilde, Tilla, Tillie, Tilly, Timéa, Timi, Timothea, Timothée, Tina, Tine, Tiphaine, Tiphanie, Tiphany, Tirouhie, Tissina, Tobby, Tobie, Tomo, Tonia, Tonya, Tora, Tori, Tosca, Toscane, Totie, Touria, Toussainte, Tova, Tovia, Tracey, Tracie, Tracy, Tran, Trecy, Tréphine, Tressy, Trestana, Tricia, Trifine, Trinita, Trinitie, Trinity, Trissa, Trissia, Tristana, Tristane, Trixie, Trude, Trudie, Trudy, Tsipora, Tyfanie, Tyfenn, Tyffaine, Tyffanie, Tymotéa, Typhaine, Typhanie, Typhène, Typhenn


Prénoms de fille commençant par la lettre U
Udara, Uga, Uguette, Ulrica, Ulrika, Ulrike, Ulrique, Ulyssia, Umberline, Umberta, Urana, Urane, Urania, Uranie, Urbaine, Urbane, Urbanie, Urbia, Uria, Uriel, Uriela, Uriell, Urielle, Urrika, Ursa, Ursilla, Ursillane, Ursina, Ursine, Ursula, Ursule, Ursuline, Usoa, Uta


Prénoms de fille commençant par la lettre V
Vahiné, Vaiana, Vaihere, Vaïl, Vainui, Vaitiare, Valda, Valence, Valencia, Valencina, Valène, Valensia, Valentia, Valentiane, Valentienne, Valentina, Valentine, Valéra, Valéria, Valériana, Valériane, Valérianna, Valérianne, Valérie, Valerienne, Valérina, Valérine, Valeska, Valia, Vallonia, Vana, Vanesa, Vanessa, Vania, Vanille, Vanina, Vanna, Vannessa, Vannie, Vannina, Vanny, Vanou, Varda, Varena, Varina, Varsénik, Varte, Vartouhie, Vassilia, Vasthie, Vehanouche, Veira, Velia, Venise, Vénus, Ver, Véra, Vérana, Vérane, Vérania, Vere, Verena, Vérène, Verna, Véro, Verona, Veronica, Veronika, Véronique, Vesna, Via, Viana, Vianca, Vianna, Vianne, Viano, Vicente, Vicki, Vickie, Vicky, Victoire, Victoria, Victoriana, Victorienne, Victorina, Victorine, Vida, Vienne, Viki, Viktoria, Viktorina, Vilma, Vincente, Vincentine, Vinciane, Vincianne, Viola, Violaine, Violène, Violet, Violetta, Violette, Violine, Virgila, Virgilia, Virgiliane, Virgine, Virginia, Virginie, Viriane, Viridiana, Virna, Vita, Vitalie, Vitaline, Vittoria, Viveto, Viviana, Viviane, Vivianka, Vivianne, Viviano, Vivienne, Vivine, Vivo, Vrenèle


Prénoms de fille commençant par la lettre W
Wacila, Wadislawa, Wafa, Wafaa, Wahida, Walburga, Walburge, Walli, Wallis, Waltraud, Wanda, Wandeline, Warda, Wassila, Wassima, Wendi, Wendie, Wendy, Whitney, Widad, Wided, Wilhelmine, Wilma, Winifred, Winifried, Winnie, Winona, Wissal, Wissam, Wissem, Withney, Wladyslawa, Wynona


Prénoms de fille commençant par la lettre X
Xana, Xandra, Xanthia, Xaria, Xavéria, Xavérianne, Xavérie, Xaverine, Xaviera, Xavière, Xaviérine, Xelina, Xena, Xénia, Xuan, Xylia


Prénoms de fille commençant par la lettre Y
Yacine, Yacinthe, Yaël, Yaëlle, Yaffa, Yamina, Yamini, Yana, Yanika, Yanna, Yannez, Yanouk, Yasme, Yasmeen, Yasmin, Yasmina, Yasmine, Yassmine, Yeleen, Yelena, Yen, Yenega, Yera, Yeranouhie, Yestère, Yetta, Yeuna, Yeva, Ylana, Ylenia, Ylenna, Ylona, Yma, Ymelda, Ymen, Ynès, Yoah, Yoanie, Yoanna, Yoannie, Yohanna, Yoko, Yola, Yolaine, Yolanda, Yolande, Yolène, Yona, Yonna, Yordana, Yori, Yosra, Youna, Yousra, Yousria, Yousrya, Youssra, Ysabel, Ysaline, Ysann, Ysanna, Ysanne, Ysatis, Ysaure, Yse, Ysée, Yseult, Yseulys, Yseut, Ysia, Ysold, Ysoline, Ysolt, Yuala, Yue, Yuki, Yukiko, Yuko, Yulika, Yumi, Yuna, Yvaine, Yvana, Yvane, Yvanelle, Yvanna, Yvanne, Yveline, Yvette, Yvonna, Yvonne


Prénoms de fille commençant par la lettre Z
Zabal, Zabèle, Zahia, Zahira, Zahra, Zaïa, Zaig, Zaïna, Zaïnab, Zaïneb, Zakia, Zaneta, Zaola, Zara, Zarah, Zarouhie, Zaza, Zazie, Zazu, Zéa, Zehra, Zeïn, Zéina, Zéineb, Zelda, Zeli, Zélia, Zélie, Zéliha, Zelina, Zéline, Zen, Zena, Zenaïde, Zénia, Zenodora, Zénon, Zéphirine, Zépioure, Zérane, Zetella, Zeto, Zetou, Zeyneb, Zeynep, Zhora, Zia, Zilia, Zineb, Zippora, Zipporah, Zita, Zitella, Zoa, Zoé, Zoélie, Zoéline, Zoëlla, Zoëlle, Zofia, Zofie, Zohra, Zophia, Zophie, Zora, Zorah, Zoriona, Zoubaïda, Zoubayda, Zoubéida, Zoubida, Zouè, Zoulika, Zoun, Zuhra, Zuria, Zurie, Zurina, Zvarte


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Tattooing in the Flash Forward series: 3 stars

La série Flash ForwardFlash Forward series

The American series Flash Forward, freshly released on Canal + shows from its beginning a plot including tattooing is an integral part. The teaser: the world loses consciousness suddenly 20 minutes, during which people have each of the visions of the future, 6 months later. This break causes many deaths and still many more questions about what will be the future of each: eery, promising, inexistant…

A tattoo with three stars is visible on theleft forearm of one of the masked gunmen of the commando that raided the Office of the FBI where Mark benford (Joseph fiennes) inquiry on the events. It is this stage that he sees in his flashforward, as soon as the first episode "No. More Good Days": A drawing of three stars nautical old school is pinned on the wall of mosaic of the investigation in the flash-forward of Marc, the main character. At the start of the investigation, Mark recreated the drawing.

* Attention Spoiler inside *.

The stars are also visible at the airport in the scene where Demetri met his girlfriend, in episode 3: "137 Sekunden". Then in "Playing Cards with Coyote" three military star tattoos are pegged on the arms of men who kill Neil parofsky blanca and try and kill Ingrid alvarez , in Barstow, California.

Tattoos of flash forward stars are similar to thestar of bronzestars, a decoration of the army of the United States. The producers of the series revealed that the tattoos had been inspired by a tattoo of theactress Christine Woods (who plays Janis Hawk). It is on the right arm a tattoo of three circles side by side


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Tee shirt long sleeve style false tattoo

Manches de tee-shirt tatouage pour femmeT-shirt for women tattoo sleeves

For several years, bloom of fashion accessories connected by their graphic design in the world of tattooing. One of these fashion tattoo accessories the most famous is the famous t-shirt tattoo patterned, ideal for followers of temporary modes wishing to surf on the popularity of tattooing without however engaging in an irreparable act. T-shirts tattoos can go in two distinct categories:

- T-shirts with reasons, whose first grinds dépareraient Johnny Hallyday, not in a closet full of shirts with flowers or t-shirts are often classic t-shirts more or less fashionable, on which we have just linked to the tattoo designfloquer. These clothes can thus simulating the graphic of a tattoo on the body, or simply use a pattern such as design, without a stage on the body. The reasons most often represented by t-shirts to reasons tattoos are usually Japanese tattoos, tribal, or old school. Flocked t-shirts of a simple pattern on the front are generally old school grounds, dice, cards, flames, etc. with their strong symbolic and some precursors such as ed hardy. These clothing fashion today out of shadow and ringards rays, taking advantage of the vintage fashion for display with colours always more flashy

-The second version, inspired by the first consists of a long-sleeved t-shirt often almost transparent, which is only printed the pattern of tattooing. In this case, the illusion is almost perfect, and it is to believe, at a reasonable distance, that fake tattoo is real. First t-shirt sleeve tattoos, mainly the preserve of Gothic fashion fans or followers of other underground styles, have arisen more design templates, more female or on the contrary more male because more realistic. Such a sticker, the tattoo second skin on a t-shirt is now shouting truth, even though it may sometimes poorly aging after several washings. There are even of simple " sleeve tattoos " to wear on a t-shirt or shirt. Attention to the tension of the fabric must be flawless face folds strong disgracieux…

Tempted by the experience of tattooing without however daring to take the step? dare to confront the gaze of others without taking the risk of regret a poorly done tattoo or fatigue. Ideal for undecided!

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A tattoo for an Ipad 2

Le fameux tatouage BO.LT pour un Ipad 2The famous tattoo BO.For an Ipad 2 LT

Beautiful buzz e-marketing operation for the Californian BO company.LT, who proposed a quidam surgery " a tattoo to win an iPad 2 " Festival SXSW 2011. A good way for this already well tattooed of dégotter candidate a iPad 2 free in exchange for a the company BO logo tattoo.LT on his leg

As to BO.LT, company San Francisco creative of a network of web pages on which you can quickly and easily copy parts of its site to create pages of landing for ad campaigns, it also cleverly took the opportunity at the South by Southwest 2011the celebrated festival of music, movies and rich media which is held each year in Austin Texas, to know its brand and its logo, uelephant's head is stylized with a defence in the form of Flash, which has therefore ends its course in tattoo on the calf of the happy electedone of the first victims of the future Ipad 2madness.

The logo of the box being rather nice visually and the size of the tattoo so small compared to the price of the new Ipad 2, that can be easily understand enthusiasm of tattooed for this beautiful operation pub

Video: a tattoo for an Ipad 2

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Directory of tattooing in Dijon, Côte d'Or (21)

Tattooing in Dijon. All chat tattoos or piercing on the Dijon region . You tattoo in Dijon or in another city of the Department of Côte d'Or (21) in Burgundy Quetigny as Beaune, Chenôve, Talant, Chevigny-Saint-Sauveur, Longvic, Fontaine-lès-Dijon, Auxonne, Montbard, Châtillon-sur-Seine, Nuits, Genlis, Marsannay-la-Côte, you want to show your most beautiful achievements onlinebe included in our directory of tattoo artists, propose a link exchange? Contact tattoo tattoos

16 Rue Berbissey
21000 Dijon
Tel.: 03 80 30 80 23

76 Rue basketry
21000 Dijon
Tel.: 03 80 77 09 87

5 Rue de la paix
21130 Auxonne
Tel.: 06 89 01 95 90

9 Rue Hat Red
21000 Dijon
Tel.: 03 80 50 05 46

4 Street station
21110 Genlis
Tel.: 06 03 92 45 77

99 Rue Auxonne
21000 Dijon
Tel.: 03 80 63 77 18

21000 Dijon
1: 03 85 87 04 Tel. 89
2: 06 19 31 95 79 Tel.

14 Street freedom
21500 Montbard
Tel.: 03 80 92 13 49

3 Course Chartreux
21200 Beaune
Tel.: 03 80 22 27 89

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Angelina Jolie: her new tattoo for Brad Pitt

Angelina Jolie during the shooting for Vanity Fair unveiled a new tattoo, on the top and the inside of the thigh : without agreeing to reveal the meaning of this new tattoo Angelina Jolie has acknowledged that it was dedicated to Brad Pitther husband. It would seem that this tattoo means " whiskey Bravo " for WB, the initials of William pitt, the true name of the actor. After the ex, children, Angie continued its momentum in the tattoos in tribute to his relatives. Remember that it is also the origin of the design tattooed on the side of Brad Pitt

Nouveau tatouage sur la cuisse dAngelina JolieNew tattoo on the beautiful dAngelina thigh

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The tattooing of Lio: a red hibiscus flower

tatouage de liotattooing of lio

Singer Lio, known for his role as jury in the emission of new star ablaze and its light outfits for his talents of singers (of light chansons… they also), however has a star status in his media coverage through theissuance of M6 and many songs having a popular success since the Banana split in his debut at age 16.

Lio has a tattoo on left shouldertattoo that strikes by the liveliness of its red colour, which corresponds well to the volcanic character of the singer. This is according to a poppy, although the ground looks more like a hibiscus flower tattoos, often used to represent guadeloupe in a gwada tattoo.

Even if it is not its origins (Lio is Portuguese origin, as shown in its true name: Wanda Maria Ribeiro Furtado Tavares Vasconcelos), Lio tattooing, which was directed by Tin-Tin in Paris, is a tattoo that works very well visually, and has the merit to be rather original for a star tattoo

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Tattoo Philippe Mexès

tatouage philippe mexes : étoiles sur le coutattoo philippe mexes: stars on the neck

The AS Roma Philippe mexès central defender, recently inducted pillar of the defence team of France under the era the new era of Laurent Blanc as coach, is a fana tattoo : it has a growing number throughout the body : the neck, arms, back, the mollet… Here are the details of its different parts

The impetuous Roman Defender, born in Toulouse of Portuguese origins, is renowned for its well tempered character who earned him many warnings or even evictions on the ground, due to its famous cable reason. This rebellious character pushed him inking various patterns on the skin:

He has a tattoo of 4 stars in the neck, different and decreasing sizes, inked in a fairly original style: the style graffiti / stencil : the stars are in reality in colourless, therefore non-tattooed, in a light grey ink, which gives this stencil effect rather aestheticon the arm, a tattooing of tribal bracelet everything what it y'a more conventional and commonplace, which is one of his old tatouagesdans back, Philippe mexès has two tattoos: is a tribal down backa stylized V-shape, like a bat. The other is a tribal Polynesian inverted pyramidal shape, rising almost up on the claviculesSon tattoo on the calf is a kind of dragon tribalEnfin, he has an tattoo on front arm, which takes almost all the Interior of the right forearm, and which consists of a tattoo of writing in an original, the first name of her daughter Evapolicy, as well as of its date of birth, the whole surrounded tattoos of flames stylized also in stencil style similar to that of his tattoo of stars on the neckfinallyIt also has a tattoo on the arm in tribute to his son Enzo, born of his union with his wife Carla

The former Auxerre now being a framework of the France team player, it is likely that many opportunities present to observe the tattoos of Philippe Mexès

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First name tattoo: history and symbolic

Has always been tattooing was a way to show his love for his family. Ground extremely current of sailor tattoos, or style resulting, the old school tattoo, parchment wound under another ground is one of the most common ways, even today, to register a name on a tattoo. Traditional tattooing in tribute to his mother or a girlfriend remained in port for sailors, inking a first name under his skin is an ancestral practice. Contrary to received ideas related to the democratization of tattooing, this practice has however still beautiful hours before it: far be dilapidated or has been, it is in effect (re) become a source of inspiration for the tattoo.

The tattooing of loulou time, of the bousille twisted style childish, is now far. Get ink name tattoo is now independent of any visual style, which greatly explains the revival of this style vintage in mind up to skin flower. First name tattoo is feasible in a number of almost infinite styles, through the use of fonts still more varied, and ongoing developments in techniques of tattooing. The types of entries used most in a tattoo are Gothic types in printed capitals fonts. Coupled with Roman numerals for a date of birth for example, tattooing in Gothic writing may be particularly effective on many parts of the body, such as the forearms, shoulders, back, calf or hips. The glamorous name tattoo side is no longer to prove both of many stars tattooed in vogue currently focus on skin the given names of their children, their parents, their spouses or their friends, Lady Gaga to Angelina Joliepassing by many football and basketball

In addition to the Gothic styleof many other entries and fonts allow a simple first name tattoo effective and original: a handwriting, meaning in Arabic, with or without serif (wheelbase of letters), in bold or in italics, with a spotlight and untiedrather rounded or square. These stylized fonts can also be used in exotic alphabets such as the Tibetan, sanskrit, the Celtic Japanese Kanji or Chinese ideographs, even even imaginary alphabets, such as the Elvish tengwar inspired by the universe of J.R.R. Tolkien.

Choose a tattoo, as to choose a name for the child, is an important step in life. The choice of a ground of tattoo is something inherently personal and selfish, a process centered on oneself in which one is not supposed to intervene. Conversely, choose a name for a child is an act that is required to enter into personal cravings and external issues echo having a fundamental impact on the life of another person, that will become the born child. Associate these two processes, the choice of a forename and ink it on his own skin for life via a tattoo is a strong Act, which a lot of sense and out of its personal and introspectivedimension watermarking. This practice opens the tattoo to others: this is why it must be accompanied by commitments and feelings very: love, friendship, filiation, marriage, fatherhood, motherhood are commitments perfectly adapted to the practice of tattooing for a first name. Tattoo tattoos brought together for you in a single site of Councils and tracks for the two types of choices related to this practice: Choosing a tattoo vs choose a first name = a single choice opening her own personality to the love a child for example

Find models of tattooing of boy and girls most popular given names and a very comprehensive list of the names of girls and boys in alphabetical order to refine your choice for a first name tattooing, male as feminine

First names for boys beginning with the letter: A | (B). (C). (D). (E). (F). G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N. O. P | Q | R | S | T | U | V. W | X | THERE. Z.

Given names of girls beginning with the letter: A | (B). (C). (D). (E). (F). G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N. O. P | Q | R | S | T | U | V. W | X | THERE. Z.

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Tattooing in Special Envoy reporting: "tattoo madness."

The famous stories of Special Envoy France 2show, presented by Françoise Joly and Guilaine Chenu, will devote this Thursday January 27 report to tattooing. Named "La Folie Tattoo", this report will notably broadcast images shot in the Tattoo Art Fest 2010…

This report by Benoît cressent, directed by Jérôme revon, describe the thrust of the mode of tattooing, become a fashion accessory. Tattooing is more taboo in our consumer society, it is displayed by many stars, celebrities, athletes, top models, of all ages and all socioprofessional categories.

The tattoo is more stereotypical art and engoncé in its blocks Aboriginal. Today, it is worn by everyone, even in the most unlikely occupations. Tattooing affects people young and old, men and women and has displays on all parts of the body.

The questions raised by the broadcast "The tattoo madness"? That explains the commoditization of tattooing ? Is it a passenger mode effect or a perennial social phenomenon rooted in no. share habits almost unavoidable nature? Is this still an act of contestation, provocation or a ritual of affirmation of his personality ? That is what compels the tattooed to pass to the Act? A story on the underside of the tattoo world, on matters of hygiene, training, and advice to get tattooed safely. Probably also a few clichés carriers and aguicheurs as knows so well to do the television media

Sent special: "The madness tattoo" See imperative Thursday, January 27, 2011 on France 2, 20 H 40. Replay on the night of Friday to Saturday

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Bull tattoos and symbolism of the astrological sign of Taurus

Symbole zodiacal du taureauZodiac symbol of Taurushoroscope Taurus sign (from April 20 to May 20), related to the planet Venus and represented by an Circle topped by horns, circle roundness solid and stable, with horns that can symbolize the Moon in the solar luminary support. Earth sign, it is bound to traits of characters such as patience, tenderness and fidelity but, for defects, to jealousy,bitterness andgreed. The bull enjoys the security of the daily and to revels in the regularity of the train daily train, he is a husband or a wife magnet (e), a reliable worker who knows what he wantsthe Bull is a soothing sign and springsuitable for men and women in the nature blossoms and calm. The Bull is not a reason for very common tattoo. Orto tattoo a bull a bovine symbol such as beef, Buffalo, bison, is indeed not necessarily very feminine for example, although this zodiac sign has a very strong dominant women. Preferred men, for which the Bull is a symbol of virility and strength. It is also linked to the universe very macho of bullfighting, and used in Spain in the form of a national figure, the Osborne bull, who opposes the Buro, the donkey of Catalan separatists. A tattoo, it prefers generally represent that a Bull Head rather than the animal with his entire body, so that it can be confused with a cow, which is not a very pleasant symbolic animal. When the body of the bull is fully represented, it is often in movement, ready to load, or is rotating in a defensive position, as if he was in an arena to fight. A bull's head is stylized for a tattoo can however be visually interesting.A tattoo of Bull, the symmetry of the horns will be sought to give an appearance of "far west". In this way can be tattooed on the back as a logo, in the hollow neck, shoulder or at the bottom of the back, outside the mollet… It is complicated to make effective a small tattoo of Bull , 10 to 20 cm are often necessary for correct rendering. Top: raging bull head with smoke coming out of the realistic style, cartoon ordace. Can he prefer the tribal style stylized or not, a colourful old school tattoo or a disease with a death head skull Bull, along the leg for example, the ankle to the knee. Give an aggressive bull air allows to bypass the side infinitely and heavy animal. The bull in tattooing is more effective in stylized or symbolic version. Realistic tattoos is less common, although existingthe bull of the Zodiac is a placid and opulentcharacter, living in the material and financial comfort. It assigns a symbolic epicurean and pragmatic. It is a sign astral related to the Earth, in the spring and high stability, emotional as social. Second sign of the Zodiac, it is also associated with symbolic of true romance, emotional generosity. He echoed personalities , mental and emotional, with the instinct of conservation and possession very strong, lover of the arts and beauty, of physical possession, family and descendants, attributes necessary for happiness flourished. The bull is a person with feelings deep and exclusive, in love and friendship, acting with weighting and thoughtful obstinacy, for whom family and amorous ties are very important and natural sensuality. Love the sign of Taurus compatibility : Virgin, fish, Cancer, CapricorneIncompatibilité: RAM, Balance, Gemini, Lion, Sagittarius and VerseauPierre: ÉmeraudeCouleur: Brown and vertPlanète: MarsQuelques famous people having the Bull for the zodiac sign: Malcolm X, Mireille Darc, Al Pacino, George Clooney, Penelope Cruz, Fred Astaire, Sigmund Freud, William Shakespeare, Leonardo da Vinci, dear, Orson Wells, George Lucas, Adolf Hitler, Michelle Pfeiffer, John Paul II, Karl Marx, Jack Nicholson, Lætitia Casta, Barbara Streisand, Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson (who bears a tattoo of bull on the arm)...The ascendancy of an astrological sign plays a leading role in the personality and psychological profile. For the choice of a tattoo representing at best, it is preferable to well know his ascendancy, which here are the different symbolic for the ascendants of the sign of the bull :symbolism of the tattooing of Bull ascendant RAM
Determination, perception, speed, perseverance, strength, generosity, kindness, courage, aggressive opulence, materialismsymbolic tattooing of Taurus ascendant Bull
Slowness of decision, obstinacy, memory, grudge, environmentalism, luxury, opulence, materialism, family life, possessivenesssymbolic tattooing of Taurus ascendant Gemini
Charm, humor, juvenility, information, knowledge, intelligence, professionalism, sense of persuasion, healthsymbolic tattooing of Taurus ascendant Cancer
Family, happiness, settling, simplicity, sensuality, gluttony, relational ease, opportunity, communication. Symbolic tattooing of Taurus ascendant Lion
Creativity, material comfort, family, vitality, physical security, selfishness, materialism, complacencysymbolic tattooing of Taurus ascendant Virgin
Confidence, reason, optimism, physical inactivity, successsymbolic tattooing of ascending Bull Balance
Contradiction, anguish, recklessness, talent, simplicity, art, luxury, chance, romance, sensuality, infidelitysymbolism of the tattooing of Bull ascending Scorpion
Torment, grudge, passion contradiction, instinct, attractiveness for pleasure and pain, anguishsymbolism of the tattooing of Bull ascending Sagittarius
Sympathy, energy, passion for life, egoism, idealism, worksymbolic tattooing of Taurus ascendant Capricorn
Realism, Epicureanism, naturalism, simplicity, organisation, indecision, freedom, securitysymbolic tattooing of Taurus ascendant Aquarius
Indecision, independence, security, realismsymbolic tattooing of Taurus ascendant fish
Intuition, sensitivity, art, meaning of aesthetics

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